1. Draco

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"Remember, chin up always," Father told me, sterness seeping into his tone.
"Yes," I replied, looking down.
"Yes, what?" He hissed.
"Ye-yes Sir," I whispered.
Father let out a humorless chuckle, yet again proving how powerful he was.
"Good boy," he said before walking past me, deliberately hitting my shoulder on the way.
Silently clenching my fists as anger shook me, I walked out of the room.
"Oh there you are," mother seized me and before I could blink, I was at the station with the bright train looming in front of us.
"There you go," Mother pushed me into the train, my luggage behind me.
However, before I could step inside, I felt a heavy weight on my shoulder.
"Remember, you're a Malfoy. Do me proud," Father's voice sounded silk soft just below my ear. I gave him a slight nod, my back facing him all the time.
I stumbled forward as he left me suddenly. I turned around just in time to see him join Mother and in a blink of an eye, had already disapparated. Without so much as a goodbye.
Ignoring the pang in my chest, I heaved my luggage inside until I reached an empty compartment.
"Gather around please," the tall woman who had introduced herself as Professor Mcgonagall spoke out, eyes scanning the entire mass of first years-us.
I could be wrong but I had a feeling I was being watched. My eyes ran across the entire hall, finding nothing suspicious. Either the person was careful to not be caught or I was being delusional.
"We have four houses, namely Gryffindor, Slyhterin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Remember, the houses dont prove who you are. Now, as I call your name, I will require you to come forward and put this hat on your head which in turn, will sort you into your house," she said. She produced a black, worn out looking hat which she placed on a stool.
"Abbott Hannah," I watched as a girl nervously walked up to the stool and sat down, placing the hat onto her head.
Almost immediately the hat yelled out 'Hufflepuff!"
I zoned out for the rest, hoping against hope I get the preferred house.
Before I knew it, I heard my name being called out. With lead legs, I walked to the hat, putting it on. I didnt dare to breath as the hat remained silent. This was the longest it had remained quiet. My hands squeezed the life of my robes as I held them tight, scared my beating heart would be heard all across the hall.
"Gryffindor!" The hat yelled out.
The hall was deadly silent, no one making a single noise. My heart dropped to my stomach, as I remained frozen.
No! NO! NO!
Surely there was some mistake, surely this was all some big twisted joke, surely I couldn't be in Gryffindor of all the places.
I screwed my eyes shut, opening them again only to groan in terrified despair when I realized it was all real. I WAS in Gryffindor, not Slytherin.
"Mr. Malfoy?" I heard someone say. But all I could see was my father's face loom in front of me.
His face remained emotionless like always but his eyes, hie eyes were what punched me in my gut-it was brimming with disappointment, disappointment because I didnt live upto the family name, disappointment because I had let them down, again, disappointment because I had yet again proved how big a screw up I was.
"You are no longer a Malfoy, Draco. You are a disgrace to us," his voice seemed to echo througout the hall, words bouncing off the walls before settling underneath my skin, sure to leave a scar forever.
"Mr. Malfoy," I snapped back to reality when the voice had increased in decibels.
"Yes-yes," as if in a daze, I stumbled off the dias, towards the Gryffindor table. I hadnt even noticed the hall was still eerily silent, my own house not welcoming me.
That was when I realized with a lurch in my heart- I will never be welcomed into Gryffindor. I am too tainted to be a Lion.
"What are you doing here, Draco?" Father's voice was ice cold as he greeted me at the door.
"I wanted to see you and mother," I answered, careful to not meet his eyes.
"Be rest assured your mother is well, so am I," he said.
I flinched when I realised he was subtly dissmissing me.
"Did you want anything else?" He asked, his voice clipped. I was aware he had still not invited me in. I wasnt invited into my own house.
"Umm.." His chuckle cut me off.
"What did you think? You'll come back here and we'll take you back? Did you forget you are no longer a part of us? You arent a Malfoy, never were and never will. You have brought shame and disgrace to us, from the moment you were born."
I stumbled backwards as sudden tears burned my eyes. This was the last straw-I had snapped in half. I was neither welcomed at school nor at home.

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