6. Drarry

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Hey people! I was in a mood to try out something I havent ever done before so here you go. My first ever Drarry fan fic. Hope y'all like it!


One thing Draco was absolutely sure of, was that he was going crazy. Totally insane. He had no idea what was going on, whether something was wrong with him. He was certain whatever was happening to him was beyond his control and he hated that. Why wouldn’t he? He wanted to be in control of everything, especially his own feelings. That was the only thing he had left which was rightfully his and now, he wasn’t so sure. Who could he blame but himself? It was always him. Nobody else. He had made it spiral out of control and now he regretted it.

Or so he thought.

Malfoy Manor and the Slytherin Common Room were the only two places where he could put his feelings in check. He had time to breathe and chide himself for giving in so easily to whatever it was. But, everywhere else was a different story altogether. Classrooms, hallways, the courtyard, even the Quidditch ground- made Draco’s life fall into a frenzied mess.

Draco blamed him. It had to be him. Everytime he saw him, his heart sped out of his control, his stomach muscles clenched and thoughts all went haywire. Whatever it was, Draco had enough sense to know it wasn't normal. 

Which was why, he shut himself out. He became cold, walked a foot taller than he was, shoulders were always tense and nobody who loved their life, thought ten times before approaching him lest they face his wrath.


“What is going on?” Draco asked in a flat voice as he took his seat in time before Snape walked in. Crabbe and Goyle had been muttering and arguing with each other when Draco arrived.

Both of them promptly shut up and sharing a look, turned to Draco innocently.

“Nothing. Just discussing about how Weasley is going to be an embarrassment in the next match,” Crabbe spoke up. Goyle nodded vigorously.

Draco raised an eyebrow and was about to comment when Snape interrupted them,” If you three are done gossiping, can I start?”

The three of them nodded mutely. Snape stared at Draco for a second before facing the class and beginning his lecture.

Through the periphery of his eyes, Draco could see the infamous trio deep in some discussion. And for some unknown reason, Draco longed to be a part of that. He wanted to included in their group, wanted their friendship and trust. More importantly, he yearned for the trust of a specific bespeckled, messy haired boy.

Potter was saying something or rather his hands were saying something, owing to how they were flailing about. Draco bit back a smirk when Potter’s hand almost smacked Granger’s cheek. She snapped something back at him because of which he slumped in his seat and stared forward. Draco found himself staring at his profile,eyes glued on his sharp features.

“Draco, DRACO!” Draco jumped in his seat and a rosy tinge covered his face when he realised the whole class was looking at him.
“Something you want to tell us?” Snape asked icily. Draco’s heart sunk when he thought of the probability of Snape catching on his new found feelings.

“No, nothing,” Draco said, putting on his usual mask of coolness. Snape frowned at him but gave a slight nod nevertheless.

Draco found his eyes trailing back to Potter but was surprised when he found Granger staring at him instead. She narrowed her eyes when their gazes locked. She slightly inclined her head towards Potter, a knowing smirk on her face. Draco kept up his facade of an expressionless face and stared back at her impassively. Granger’s smirk widened a notch before she stared ahead.

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