8. Sirius

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Sirius stared at his plate, tight lipped as the conversation droned on around him. He clenched his jaw so tight, it was a wonder his teeth didn't crack. Every time someone spoke, his shoulder kept tensing until it was as rigid as a plank of wood.

".......that Mudblood got what she deserved," Narcissa spat out. "Who did she she think she is, speaking to Severus?"

"Oh, that woman has no idea what's in store-"

"Shut up."

The table rung with silence. Sirius's head was bowed, his long black hair covering most of his face but everyone knew it was him who spoke. His palm gripped the table as he slowly raised his head, eyes immediately locking onto Regulus's before moving to rest on Bellatrix. He fixed her with the ugliest stare he could master and given the time spent with his family, he succeeded in doing so. His face was taut and eyes dangerously flashing. There was a kind of fire in them that none of his family members had ever seen.

They had crossed the line. Insulting him was one thing, but his friends? Nope, not happening. Not when he was there and witness to it.

"What did you just say?" Walburga asked in a low tone. The kind of voice that made people fear for their life. But Sirius was undaunted. If he felt any fear, he masked it well.

"Don't pretend like you didn't hear it, Mother," he spat out the last word, making her raise an eyebrow. But amusement laced her eyes, as she looked at her son.

Sirius could feel a pair of eyes burning into him. Regulus was staring at him, an unreadable expression in his eyes. Regulus's heart lurched when his brother looked at him again. None of them spoke, their eyes doing most of the talking.

"Don't. Please," Regulus silently begged him. Sirius looked at him, his heart breaking for his younger sibling. He was far too young for this and Walburga had seized this opportunity to constantly brainwash him. Sirius remembered when he had come home from school, only to find a completely new Regulus. This Regulus was a total stranger to him and how much ever he tried, he knew he had lost Regulus forever.

Keeping his eyes locked on Regulus, Sirius stood up, pushing his chair back with such force that it hit the floor with a loud thud.

"Sit down, Sirius," Narcissa hissed. He was humiliating everyone, especially his mother. Sirius barely looked at her, as he murmured a quiet "No".

"If you walk away from the table, you may as well say your goodbyes to us," Walburga spoke up, her voice deadly calm.

"I have bid you people a goodbye a long time ago," Sirius said. He froze when he heard Regulus let out a small, inaudible gasp at his words.

He cocked his head to a side, motioning Regulus to follow him out. Ignoring his mother's murderous stare, Regulus stood up and silently followed Sirius out of the room.

"I can't leave," Regulus spoke up, once they were out of earshot. Sirius cast a muffling charm at the door before turning to his brother.

"Can't or won't?" Sirius asked quietly. Regulus stayed mute, confirming Sirius's answer.

"You don't have to do this, Reg. You don't have to live like this," Sirius said gently. Regulus looked at the floor, an unexpected feeling of shame creeping into him. He remembered the days when he and Sirius were inseparable. They were best friends and then brothers. Regulus had always looked up to him. And then, Sirius went off to Hogwarts, leaving Regulus alone. Walburga had taken him under her wing, only waiting for this moment of separation between the brothers.

"I'll miss you," Regulus said, his voice barely a whisper. Sirius deflated then as he realised there was no changing Regulus's mind now. Blinking back the sudden moisture in his eyes, Sirius turned around and walked off, a silent goodbye hanging in the air behind him. Regulus clenched his fists by his side, shoulders hunched as felt his eyes getting wet.

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