4. Jily

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Happy (late) Halloween, you guys! 

Seeing as it was 31st October just 3 days back, I felt it fit to do something on James and Lily. Don't worry, I've kept it nice and happy happy.

Here you go! Enjoy! 


Lily Potter was sure nothing in the world could even come close to how she was feeling right now. Terrified would be an understatement. Her insides felt as if they were all jumbled up, and her legs were like jelly. She gripped the counter tightly, her knuckles turning white under her strain. She stared right ahead, eyes blankly staring out of the kitchen window. Her breaths came out in quick, frantic puffs and she made no efforts to calm them down.

Her hand slowly to rose to tuck away some of the stray strands that had snuck out of her bun- which was so messy, it was a wonder it stayed in one place. She sighed when she felt her hand slightly shake, nerves taking hold of her voluntary movements as well. She trailed her hand down her face, her neck, the swell of her breasts and finally stopped on her stomach. To an outsider, it would look almost as if it were sensual but Lily knew better. She could feel every part of her calloused fingertip pass over her skin- proof of the fact that she had no free time.

Behind her, she heard the front door open and close, voices filling up the passageway. For a wild oment, panic flare inside her at the thought of having to face James this soon but chided herself mentally when she remembered he wouldn't be home for another two-three hours.

"There you are! I was wondering where you'd disappeared to," she heard Marlene Mckinnon's voice speak up. There was a soft hustle and Lily knew something was placed on the table. She could not bring herself to turn around, knowing all too well that at the mere sight of her best friend, Lily would break down. But she had promised herself to wait for James.

"So," Lily tensed when she felt Marlene's voice closer than before but she refrained from turning around. "Sirius and Remus are on their way, Peter's got held up at home- the poor chap's mother discovered the stash of Firewhiskey our oh-so responsible and sensible boyfriends had hidden. I told them, I told them that it was bad idea but no! Did anyone listen to me? Nope, nada, no! The one time I desperately wanted Remus to be there, he was M.I.A. Anyways, as I was saying, Peter's mum's drilling him right now as I speak and bless the guy, he hasn't uttered a word about who had hidden the bottle. That's true friendship I tell you. Ugh, sorry, moving on, Peter will be late and I reckon you know James's whereabouts?" Marlene was almost out of breath by the time she finished speaking. She frowned when she realized she was still facing Lily's back. That was when Marlene realized something was seriously wrong. Her friend had neither turned around nor had she told her to breathe or to shut up.

"Lily?" she asked softly, moving to stand beside Lily's stiff posture. Her frown deepened when she caught the lost, almost on the verge of tears look on Lily's face. "Shit. Lils, what's wrong, sweetie? What happened? You were perfectly fine till last night and even today, what went wrong in the last one hour? Lily, you're scaring me, tell-"

"I'm pregnant, mar." Lily spoke up, her voice coarse from the lack of use and the bile slowly rising up her throat. "I'm fucking pregnant."

Of all the things Marlene expected to hear, she was pretty sure this was the last thing she expected. She stared at Lily, her eyes widening every second and eventually, her jaw fell upon.

"Wha-what?" she whispered. Lily merely stared at her, watching as the blonde girl's eyes filled up happiness and sheer excitement.

"HOLY SHIT! LILY,THA-THAT'S BLOODY AMAZING! MERLIN!Is it james? Oh forget I asked that, stupid me, of course it's him- stop giving me that look, woman, let me have my moment. Holy shit. My best friend's pregnant. Fuck. You two had better me Godmother or I swear to God, Lily. damn, I'm so happy for you!" Marlene gushed out. "Does James know?"

The smile that had been gracing Lily's lips slowly dimmed before it disappeared totally.

"No," she sighed, looking down at the floor. "I'm scared."

"Are you crazy? Why would you be scared?" Marlene looked at Lily as if she grew an extra head.

"I'm terrified of how he'd react. You know, all that wrong place, wrong time-"

"LILY JAMES POTTER. You have gotta be barking mad to even be thinking of James's reaction other than him being happy. He loves you, Lil. You're his everything and you damn well know that. I'll be damned if Potter is anything but ecstatic when he finds out he's going to be a father-"


Both the girls' heads snapped up so fast, it was a miracle it didn't crack. Marlene swore under breath as Lily paled when she saw James, Remus and Sirius standing in the entrance of the kitchen. Remus and Sirius wore similar expressions- sheer surprise which was turning to a expression akin to Marlene's joyous one.

James, on the other hand, was a different story altogether. He stared at Lily, an intense look raging in his eyes, jaw slackened and the wand he was carrying, fell to the ground. He barely even noticed it.

"Don't be scared, Lil. Remember he loves you," Marlene whispered softly only for lily to hear. The latter gave the slightest nod, her gaze never leaving James's.

"C'mon guys, living room," Marlene said, dragging the other two when they refused to move. That seemed to jolt James out of his trance.

"Wha-what did Marlene mean by that, Lily?" he asked her, voice cracking a little. He was yet to move from his place. Lily swallowed harshly, wiping the sweat forming in her hands on her jeans.

"I'm pregnant, Potter. We're going to have a baby," she said just as softly. She held her breath as she watched James take the longest time to answer. Doubts and nerves seeped right back into her, as he remained silent.

"I know the timing couldn't possibly be the best, what with the war looming in the nearest future, I won't mind if you wanna stay away-oompf" she was cut off when James reached her in two long strides and silenced her with his lips.

"You have got to be the craziest woman I know," he muttered against her lips. "I can't even imagine why would even say that. Of course I wanna be a part of this, Lily. Fuck, I have to be a part of this. You have no idea how happy you've made me. God, I love you so much."

Lily could feel all her stupid, needless worries dissipate with every word he said. She grinned up at him and pressed her lips to his.

"And I love you, Potter. We're gonna be one hell of a family."


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2017 ⏰

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