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Hey people! Me is back. Sorry I keep disappearing like these. Anywaays, here's the next one.

Remus had to get out of there. Else, he was surely going to lose his mind. He let his eyes scan the room once more, taking in everything that was going on. He let a smile dance on his lips as he noticed how loud the room was. It had been ages since this had happened. With everything that was going on currently, happiness was a luxury they couldn't afford. But now, for the first time in God knows how long, he could see people actually having fun.

In one corner of the room, Fred and George were entertaining a small handful of people with some new trick they had conjured. Remus knew if there was anyone who could constantly make light of any situation, it was them. He sent them a silent plea of thank you. On the other side of the room, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Luna were in some deep discussion but Remus was glad to see grins on their faces. So it wasn't a very serious discussion. Looking at them, there was a pang in his chest as he remembered his happy days as a Marauderer. It could have been him, James, Sirius and Peter right now. Remus sighed, pushing away the gloomy thoughts. A few feet away, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Moody and-

His heart thudded when a pair of brown eyes looked up and caught his eye. Tonks gave him a small smile along with a wink before going back to whatever they were talking. Remus swallowed, forcing himself to not smile back. He couldn't help it. He couldn't stop the smile from flitting across his face but it was no use. Tonks was no longer looking at him. Sighing, he rubbed his face tiredly. His mind flashed back to a few days back.

He was sitting in his living room, sorting through letters he had been receiving when he felt a presence next to him. He looked up to see Tonks smiling at him, eyes bright and shining.

"Hey!" she grinned. Remus had to try with all his might to not stare at her. She was just very pretty. Not the typical delicate looking prettiness. Oh no. Tonks was anything but that. She had this fiery aura about her, which weirdly instead of driving you away, pulled you in. She was so animated, but it never could irritate you. It was more of amusement. Once you knew Tonks, there was no going back. That was why Remus had to stop. This would be dangerous. He knew she liked him, probably more than a friend. She made that clear everytime they spoke. And now she was here, next to him with nobody else present. He unconsciously shifted an inch away from her. If she noticed, she didn't say anything.

"Whatcha doin?" she asked. She took in his dishevelled state and bit back a smile. Initially she worried because she thought he was over exerting himself but now, she knew it was a part of him. However strange it made her sound, dishevelled Remus had gone on to become one of her favorite sights. He looked at home to her. Remus was her safe landing. She was aware she had made it pretty obvious to him that she really liked him and also knew he wasn't or wouldn't be ready to give her an answer yet. She was okay with it, as long as he didn't ask her to stay away, she wasn't going to pursue it.

"Uh, nothing. Looking at my mail," Remus answered.

"Anything interesting?" she asked. Remus could feel his cheek coloring as she leant in closer to have a look.

"Um, no, nothing much. Just people telling me what they've been up to," Remus answered, clearing his throat. Tonks noticed and she mentally smiled.

"Soo, anything from Harry?" Tonks knew one of the few people who mattered to Remus the most was Harry.

"Yes actually. They have just wrapped up with their first Apparition lesson. Hermione did very well but Ron, not so well," Remus chuckled. Tonks grinned as well. She liked those three. They had a strong friendship and she was glad they had each other at times like these.

"God, I remembered my first Apparition. I apparated, all right but I left half of my jeans at the last place. When I turned up, I looked so weird," Tonks laughed.

"Well, I did all right. I apparated with everything in one place," Remus said and without knowing it, gave her a small smirk. Tonks playfully rolled her eyes. 

"Why am I not surprised?" she teased him, nudging his shoulder with her's.

"Oh shut it."

Before any of them could realize, they were having a full feldged conversation, filled with laughter, teasing and a lot of sarcasm.

He felt a lot lighter once she left a few hours later and he realized he quite liked the feeling. Soon, a heavy weight settled on him. His grin wore off as he knew this shouldnt be happening.

"Stop overthinking Remus," a voice spoke up in front of him. His neck snapped up when he realized the familiarity of it and his eyes widened when he saw it who it was.

"Lily?" he whispered, his voice catching in his throat. Lily smiled, eyes warm as usual. Remus couldn't believe what he was seeing and rubbed his eyes a few times but she was still there.


Lily chuckled. "Forget that. Listen to me answer this. Do you like her, Remus? Do you like Tonks?"

Remus stilled. He didnt know what to say. Here was Lily, God knows how or why and of all the things, she was asking him this. She was patiently waiting for him to answer. He sighed. He thought back to all those times he spent with Tonks and the times when he wasnt with her.

"Yes. Yeah, I do," he finally answered. Lily smiled knowingly.

"Then what's the problem? You know she likes you, right? She's waiting for you to tell her that, Remus."

"I know, I-" he broke off. "Its just that, with all the complications in my life, I dont want to pull her down as well."

"Oh Remus," Lily sighed. "When are you going to do what you want? You cant live your entire life for others. Become selfish once in awhile, its perfectly okay. And I'm damn sure Tonks will accept you the way you are."

"How Lil? I'm a werewolf, for God's sake. How will Tonls be okay with that? I cant do this, its not fair on her."

"You think Tonks isnt aware of that fact? Ever wondered why there is always somebody with you before and after every full moon, and how, many a times, its Tonks? After every shift, Remus, you get chocolates. How?"

Remus's heart beat faster. "She knows? But..but why didnt she say anything?"

"Because she doesnt care. Not at all. She still wants you, even after all this. That has to mean something, right?"

"Boo!" Remus started as he broke off his memory replay as Tonks stood in front of him. Clearing his throat, he took a step back.

"What's going on there?" she asked, tapping his head with her knuckle.

"No-nothing," he answered, ignoring the way his heart was beating right now. "Ahem, I'm going out for walk, I'll be back in a few."

He turned around without waiting for a reply and took a few steps forward.

"Can I join?" Tonks asked from behind.

Remus froze. A part of him wanted to say no thanks but a small part wanted to say yes. He remembered what Lily had told him and throwing caution to the wind, he turned around.

"Sure," he smiled slowly. She looked surprised for a second but a grin took over her face as she made her way towards him.


Just like that, Remus knew he had made the right choice.

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