3. Wolfstar

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Hello people! Guess who's back? Me, that's right. My next work is here. Hope you guys like it.

Do vote and comment, it means a lot! Happy Reading!! :)

"I'm okay, really."
"Yes, I'm perfectly fine."
"I've moved on, I promise."
"No, nothing's wrong with me."
"Of course I miss him."
"No, I can sleep properly."
Biggest lie till date.

Remus walked out of his house, too claustrophobic within the halls of his own home. Or if you can still call it a home. It was more like a lodging for Remus- a place he came to sleep. The moment the first ray of sunshine seeped through the window, he was out. He couldn't bear o be in there for more time than necessary. It brought back too many memories. Memories he had desperately tried to erase and permanently bury within the dark depths of his mind.

He buried his hands into his pocket of his age old, worn out trousers, shoulders slumped like always. He had a week old stubble on his face and his eyes sported dark circles all the time. His hair was messy- not the good looking messy but the kind which looks dirty and filled with knots. Remus didn't even bother trying with his appearance. He had all but given up. He trudged along the path, lost in thoughts.

"Watcha doin, Moons?" Sirius asked, plonking down on the sofa beside his best friend, Remus.
"Something beyond your intellect," Remus muttered, not bothering to look up from whatever he was doing. Sirius pouted childishly.
"Aw, c'mon Moony, temme!" Sirius persisted.
Remus sighed before looking up at him only to hear his breath catch. Sirius looked handsome as ever, with his shoulder length raven coloured hair touseled up like always.
"Uh.." Remus faltered. Sirius caught on and smirked smugly.
"Like what you see?"
Remus rolled his eyes. "Oh sod off, will you? Stop irritating me," he snapped, face flooding with color. Sirius chuckled, running a hand through his hair. Remus kept his eyes solely trained on his work, adamant to not look up at his friend. 
"I'm bored," Sirius whined after a while.
"Go play quidditch," Remus said.
"Cant. Hufflepuffs have their practice now."
"Go eat something."
"Too full."
"Go flirt."
"Too- wait what?"
"You want me to what?"
Remus furrowed his eyebrows, trying to figure out what was so surprising in it. Flirting was second nature to Sirius, something other than quidditch he couldn't live without.
"Um. Flirt? You know when you try to impress girls-"
"I know what flirting is, Remus. You sure you want me to?"
Now, Remus was more confused than ever.
"Isn't that why I proposed it?"
"Oh Moony, you can be so dense at times," Sirius muttered inaudibly.
"Nothing. You do your homework, Moons. I'm off to trouble Prongs."
For some reason, Remus' heart sunk when he saw  the black haired boy scamper off. He had grown to really really like the one on one time they spent together. He had secretly hoped Sirius would stay back instead and talk to him. However annoying he was, Remus had to admit Sirius knew how to have fun. Something which Remus seldom indulged in.

Remus blinked back tears as he came back to the present. His heart felt heavy in his chest, as memory after memory flooded his head.

Everything seemed so foreign to the eleven year old Remus as he trudged on after his dad. His suitcase was pushed by his father, as Remus looked around in awe. The station looked majestic, brimming with people- students his age and elder to him, accompanied by their families.
"Come along, Remus. Dont fall behind," his father called out. Increasing his speed, he caught on.
"Bye mom," he heard another boy whisper , a few feet away from him. For some unknown reason, Remus stopped walking, looking at the family before him. Everybody was dressed in black, with the elders standing a little too tall. Only the boy who had spoken was differently dressed. He had a t shirt and a pair of jeans.
The woman, who appeared to be his mother, gave him a curt nod, not even bothering to look at him. The boy's smile turned upside down, shoulders hunching. Remus frowned, watching all this. That was when the boy looked forward and his eyes locked with Remus. The latter 's eyes widened at having been caught but surprisingly, the boy smiled. Remus smiled back apprehensively.
"REMUS. I told you not to stray behind! Come!" Remus jumped when his father suddenly appeared before him.
"Uh yes, sorry dad," Remus muttered sheepishly. His dad turned to go, with Remus close behind. As he walked past the boy, they gave each other another small smile.

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