Part 2

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"Wake up mommy and daddy! Today we're going to see Simba!" I heard my daughter yelling.
"Blue Ivy if you don't stop jumping in my bed." I heard Bey say.
"Come on, come on. Today I get to see Nala mommy."
"Blue go to your room, brush your teeth and wash your face. Then go watch tv downstairs and turn on cartoons until I come make you breakfast."
"Do you want to stay here?"
I kept my eyes shut because I was not about to get in the middle of that.
I heard shuffling, "Jay, I know you heard your daughter."
"She said mommy first." I said with my eyes still closed.
"You still need to get ready. We're going to be late if you don't get up now."
"Shawn!" she said hitting me.
"Shit girl!" I said rubbing my chest. "I told you about hittin me like that! Laila Ali heavy hittin ass!"
She rolled her eyes and got out the bed.
"Don't let me come back in here and you're still laying down."
She ain't my mama.

After about two hours I had gotten out of bed and dressed myself. I went downstairs to see Blue and Bey dressed alike.

 I went downstairs to see Blue and Bey dressed alike

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"Y'all look cute." I said walking towards the kitchen.
"Come on daddy we're going to be late." Blue said pulling on me.
"Let me grab some breakfast be-"
"Uh un Shawn. I told you to get up a while ago. We're supposed to meet Kelly and them at ten and it's already 9:25. You know we live a good ways from the zoo."
I sucked my teeth. Big mistake. She hates when we do that.
"No aspirar los dientes por mí." She calmly said. "Hurry up because I don't want to hear your daughter whining all the way. Come on Blue we'll wait in the car." she said grabbing her hand and walking to the garage.
I grabbed a breakfast bar and walked slowly to the car. Pshh she don't scare nobody but Blue in this house.


After about forty five minutes we pulled up in front of the zoo at 10:15. Blue was over it.
"Alright everybody out." Jay said.
We all piled out of the car and Blue had a stank look on her face.
"What's wrong baby girl?" he asked.
Blue just walked away from him and came to hold my hand as we started walking towards the entrance. I couldn't help but giggle. My child is so dramatic.
"She knows we're late Jay and she knows you're the reason."
"Man it was traffic."
"And we had to look for a parking spot. Which is why I said we should have left earlier."
He waved me off.
"Bey!" I looked to my left to see my bestfriends and their families.
"Hey Chelle! Sorry we're late somebody took forever to get ready." I said side eyeing Jay.
Jay shrugged, "There was traffic."
"Anyways, Blue say hello to your aunts and uncles."
"Hi." she said all gloomy.
"Uh un. That's not how you greet us." Kelly said as she picked Blue up tickling her causing Blue to laugh.
"Kelly put her down she's too big for that." I told her.
"Oh hush girl. This my baby. She will get picked up until she turns five." Kelly said fanning me away.
I saw Blue whispering in Kelly's ear. Kelly glanced at Shawn and shook her head. She put Blue down to go with the other kids.

After Morris handed everybody there free passes, we walked in. He gets them all the time at his job. They always giving him free stuff, it pays to have successful friends.
"Where to first?" Tim asked more so to the kids.
"I wanna see Simba!" Blue said loudly.
"Me and Titan wanna see the monkeys." Cameron said.
"Is it y'all or is it just you Cam?" Michelle asked.
"Mainly me but Titan wouldn't mind, right lil T?" Titan just stood there playing with his hand in his mouth.
"Well I want to see the elephants." Callie said.
Great they all want to see something different. We will be here forever just trying to figure out where to start.
"How about we split up? Guys and girls. The monkeys are on one side and the elephants and the lions are on the other side. We'll meet at the food court at around one and then we'll switch sides." Morris suggested.
"Yeah that's cool." Jay agreed.
"Great we'll see y'all fellas later." Kelly said

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