Part 18

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We landed in Houston about an hour ago. We took my plane to save money and not worry about having to go through airport security. They do way too much sometimes. We're in a black SUV that her family sent. Her uncle invited us to stay with them, so that's where we're headed now. I looked over and see Bey's leg shaking like crazy.
"You nervous?" I said as I placed my hand on her thigh.
"Yes. It's been so long since I've seen my uncle and aunt."
"I'm sure they'll be happy to see you."
"What if they're upset with me?"
"Why would they be?"
She took a deep breath, "I haven't been around in years."
"I'm sure they'd understand why."
"I don't know how they'll react to you and Blue though. You know how I am about you two."
"I know babe. But they're going to love us. Don't worry yourself too much."
About thirty minutes later we pulled up outside of this big ass crib.

"Bey why you ain't tell me your family was balling?" I said as we got out the truck

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"Bey why you ain't tell me your family was balling?" I said as we got out the truck.
"I never really payed attention to it. It was just normal to me."
"I can see why you got into a New York school." I said admiring the landscape.
"Jay, I used my own money and worked my ass off to get my degree." she defended.
"I know, I know. I'm just saying. Dam this is nice!" I said chuckling.
"Giselle!" I turned to see an older light skinned woman coming out of the house.
"Jay this is my aunt, Tina Beyince."
"Hello ma'am." I said extending my hand only to be pulled into a hug.
"Chile I give hugs. It's so great to finally meet you. When Angie told me you got in contact with her I was so excited to finally be reunited with Giselle."
Bey smiled, "Yeah I thought I'd never see you guys again."
"And this must be your daughter?" she said looking down at Blue. "What's your name sweetheart?"
"Blue Ivy Carter." she said shyly.
"Well hello Blue, my name is Tina." Blue waved and then hid behind Bey's leg.
"Come on inside, your cousins and uncle have been anticipating your arrival." I grabbed our luggage and we followed her into the house.
"You know you favor your aunt a lot?"
"Yeah, our family genes are really strong."
"I can see."

"I'll take these bags for you sir." a man in a suit said.
"It's fine Jay." I gave him the bags.
"Dam, and I thought we had big money."
She giggled, "You're silly. But come on, they're probably in the living room."
We walked further into the house and saw one older gentleman and a guy and girl who looked younger than me and Bey.
"Giselle!" the girl said running over to hug Bey.
I just stood there with Blue by my side.
"Hey Solange. Is that Andre?" she said looking towards the younger guy.
"Hey BB." he said walking to give her a hug.
"You've grown so much since I last saw you."
"Yeah I know." he said smiling at her. "It's been forever."
"Babe these are my younger cousins, Solange and Andre."
"Nice to meet you both."
"It's nice to finally meet you too. I can see Angie wasn't lying when she said you were cute." I chuckled.
"Chill Solange." Bey said getting a little jealous.
"He iight." the Andre dude said.
Bey cut her eyes at him, "Don't be rude."
"Oh he's just joking Giselle." the older guy said. "I'm her uncle Mathew. It's nice to meet you."
"Likewise sir."
"Well you guys can get freshened up. Lunch will be served in a little while." he told us.
"Thank you."
We walked up the stairs to the room where we would be staying and got settled.
"Yes Blue?"
"Can I make cookies with Ms. Tina after lunch?"
"Did you ask her?"
"Mhmm, she said she has lots of cookie stuff." she said smiling.
"Then that's fine with me." she nodded then left the room leaving us alone.
"Bey you good?"
"I don't know. I feel a little apprehensive about coming here."
"Is it your institution?"
"My what?"
"You know the thing you women get when you can feel something or whatever."
She busted out laughing, "Babe, you mean my intuition?"
"Yeah that. Is that why you're feeling this way?"
"I guess. It's a lot of emotions as well."
"I think it's wrong this time."
"It's never steered me wrong before."
"Maybe this time it will, so just ignore it."
"I'll try but it's a little weird."
"I just never imagined coming back around my family."
I went to wrap my arms around her, "You have to relax babe. Everything will be fine."
"Lunch is ready." the Solange girl said peeking in our room.
"We'll be right there." I said pecking Bey's lips twice. "Just relax. What's the worst that could happen?"

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