Part 12

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Raped? Bey was raped? Why didn't she tell me?
"Mommy?" Blue said walking in looking at us scared.
"Let me go Shawn." she said through gritted teeth with tears running down her face. I released her and she went straight to Blue to comfort her.


"Come here baby." I said picking Blue up.
"Mommy why you sad?" she said wiping my face.
"Nothing sweetheart. Don't worry I'm fine."
"I'm sorry for breaking the glass. I didn't mean to." she said putting her head in my neck and wrapping her arms around me.
"Oh baby it's fine." I said walking towards the stairs.
"Bey?" Shawn called.
"I need to attend to my daughter." He huffed and I went upstairs to Blue's room. I laid down with her still clinging to me.
"Mommy can you sleep in here with me?" Blue said looking at me.
"Of course baby."
I rocked her back and forth and sung her the song my mom used to sing to me as a child. After a while she was fast asleep. I couldn't help but to silently cry. I never wanted him to find out like that. Eventually I cried myself to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up with Blue still clinging tightly to my neck.
"Blue Ivy?"
"Mommy I'm sleep."
"I need you to get up and get ready. You have a dentist appointment with your auntie today."
"I don't want to go." she mumbled.
"You want to have pretty teeth for your picture with Santa don't you?"
"Yes, we can go after your appointment."
She hopped off the bed and went to do her morning routine. I knew she'd hurry up for that.
I left out of her room and went to my bathroom to get ready. Thankfully Jay was still asleep. I got in the shower and did all my other morning things. I wrapped a towel around me and walked out to see Jay sitting on the bed looking at me.
"Morning." I mumbled.
"Can we talk?"
"Didn't we do enough of that last night?"
"Bey, I didn't know."
I shrugged, "You weren't supposed to."
"But you're my wife a-"
"We weren't dating. You didn't have any obligation to me."
"I still cared for you."
"Well that's in the past now. No sense in getting upset over it now."
He got up and walked towards me. "Bey, what happened that night?"
"Let's see. I went out with my friends to a party to celebrate a successful semester. I went to the bathroom and somehow a guy barges in drunk. I try to walk out but he's not having it. When I look at his face I immediately recognize who he is and try to leave but I wasn't strong enough. He pushed me up against the wall and was pulling on my clothes trying to take them off. I kept trying to push him off of me but he slapped me in the mouth." I took a deep breath. "He told me if I screamed he'd ruin my life. I wasn't taking any chances, so I shut up and let it happen."
"Who was it?" he asked pulling me close.
"That's irrelevant at this point."
"It's not to me."
"Jay when I showed up at your room that night, you remember what you told me?"
"Dam, you can give it up to some stranger at a party but I can't even take you on a date." I said mocking him.
"Bey I didn't know."
"You didn't try to know. I needed your help!" I cried getting out of his grasp. "But instead you told me to leave. You let your big ass ego get in the way!"
"No! You've always let your ego get in the way when it comes to certain things! But you never did that to me..... except for that night."
"What can I do to fix it?"
"Just- just leave me alone right now. There's nothing you can do now. It happened, that time has passed." I said walking away.
"Bey we can't just move on like it didn't happen."
"I have and so should you. I dealt with it a long time ago."
"How did you do it?"
"Do what?"
"How did you deal with something like that?"
"Just know he wasn't a problem after that night." Jay nodded.
"I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you."
I thought for a moment, "Cream with caramel."
"You want coffee?"
"That's how I want my next car." I smirked.
"Who's buying you this car?"
"It better be Carter Claus or there won't be any Christmas cookies under the tree for him this year."
He laughed, "I got you babe."

"I finally told him."
"Told who what?" Michelle asked as she was cleaning Blue's teeth.
"Shawn. I finally told him about that night."
She looked at me and then back to my baby's mouth. "How did it come up? Because you swore me and Kelly to secrecy about it."
"It came out in a heated argument. He brought up the fact that he still thought I willingly slept with someone else."
"Okay baby, you're done. Go sit in my office until I'm done talking to your mommy."
"Can I get a toy?"
"Blue, Christmas is next week. You will get all the toys you asked Santa for then." She pouted but left the room without stomping her feet. She ain't too crazy.
"Bey y'all just got back. What the hell happened on that trip?"
"Nothing, I went and was the most supportive wife ever. I even took him out on the town."
"I promise, I did."
"We've known Shawn for a long time. He doesn't argue unless he cares or is feeling some type of way about a situation. You know how he is."
"I told y'all I wouldn't put him through that."
"Yeah, okay Ms. Stubborn. Look Christmas is at Kelly's this year. Y'all little freaks better not be late this time."
"We won't. See you later."

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