Part 22

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"Bey, where y'all at? It's late."
"I took Blue to the movies to cheer her up."
"What movie did y'all go see?"
"Well hurry back. I miss y'all."
"I will. We're on our way back now."
"Love you drive safe." Click.
I looked in the back seat to see Blue passed out. Now don't look at me like that. We did go to the movies. While Andre had somebody clean up ole dude's body I treated Blue and Solange to the movies to make time go by. I'm not gone lie, I was a little shaken up after my adrenaline rush was over. I haven't killed anybody in a long ass time but his little punk ass shouldn't have shot my man. Anyways after the movie, Andre shot me a text with his info so now I'm sitting outside his house where his girlfriend lives. I got out the car, making sure no one was around, and walked up to place the rose on his doorstep. I said a quick prayer and left. I pulled up to the house and woke Blue up so she could walk.
"How was the movie?"
"It was good."
"Daddy." Blue said reaching for Jay.
"Blue walk up the steps."
"I got her."
"No she needs to walk. You can't always pick her up."
"Blue go put your pajamas on. You'll take your bath in the morning."
"Okay daddy."
"Bey what's that on your shoe?"
I looked down and saw I had a little blood on my shoe. Dam these were some of my favorite shoes too.
"I stepped in some blood."
"Where was you that there was blood?"
"When we walked out the club, I guess I stepped in one of y'all's blood."
"Oh dam. My bad baby."
"It's fine, I'll just take them to get cleaned tomorrow."
"You up for church in the morning?"
"Yeah, I need it."
"Come on, let's go to sleep." he kissed my lips.
"Uh un. You just got shot and you trying to have sex."
"It'll make me feel better."
"Boy bye." I laughed as we walked up the stairs.

Church was good. We went to Mama Gloria's house afterwards, like we always do. Blue was playing outside with her cousins as I sat and talked with Annie and Mama Gloria as they finished up the food. I would have helped but I'm not feeling it. Ever since yesterday, I just haven't felt right. I shot and killed a guy. I could have talked it out but I don't take too kindly to people threatening my family's life. My brother has been trying to call and apologize. I send his ass to voicemail every time. Solange tries to call on his behalf but I ignore her requests for me to talk with him. What he did was fucked up.
"Auntie BB, come quick!" I heard. I ran outside to see Blue crying on the ground with a bloody knee.
"Oh my baby!" I said running towards her. "What happened?"
"Mommy, it hurts." she cried.
"We were playing races and she tripped over a tree branch." one of her younger cousins said. I looked up at the older kids with my eyebrow raised.
"That's the story y'all going with?" Everybody got quiet. See I knew it. "I'll ask again, what happened to my baby?"
"Some little girl who lives over there got mad because Blue beat her in a race." her cousin Naomi started. "So she pushed BlueBlue down, then ran home so she wouldn't get in trouble."
I took a deep breath, kids can be so dam jealous. Like it's not my baby's fault you're slow as hell. Learn to keep up. "Mel, pick her up and sit her in the bathroom. I'll be there to clean her up in a little bit."
"Do I need to get Uncle Jay?" he asked.
"Nah, I got this." I said. "Now which house is she in?"
"That one." Naomi said. "Go get her Auntie BB." See Naomi is one of Blue's few girl cousins and the only one that is close to her age.
"Thank you. Now no one tell Jay. I'll be back."


"Yo unc!" Rel said rushing in the den.
"Your wife about to go murder a little kid."
I jumped up, "Man, what?"
"Some little girl pushed Blue and made her bleed and her ankle is kind of swollen. Now Auntie is about to go across the street."
"Dam. Where's a Blue?"
"She in the kitchen waiting on her to get back so she can clean her wound."
"Watch her for me while I go get my wife." I said walking out the house.
When I get outside, I'm scanning the neighborhood for this crazy woman. We always told Blue not to fight, unless it was necessary. I'd prefer her not to fight at all, she's my little princess. Bey on the other hand told her if someone messes with her to whoop their ass. I finally spotted her across the street talking with some dude. Hell nah, let me step in. Bey's mouth can get reckless and I'd hate for him to say the wrong thing. Then I'd have to step in.
"And you need to teach that lil girl how to take a loss. Who the hell gets that mad over a dam race?"
"Ma'am I can assure you that my niece doesn't go around pushing people for no reason."
"So what are you trying to say?"
"That if she did in fact push your daughter, she was provoked."
"I'm a college educated woman. Don't talk to me as if I'm dumb." she said. "Your niece did push her. And I want you to check her about it."
"Did you see her do it?"
"No but there were witnesses."
"That's hear say."
"You a cop?"
"Good. Then shut the fuck up and check that child."
"Bey, calm down." I butted in.
"Ma'am like I said. If you didn't see it then I can't help you."
"If a tree falls in a forrest and nobody's around to hear it does it make a sound?" she asked cocking her head to the side
"Well yeah-"
"Exactly so if I whoop your ass and nobody sees it, you'll still have a black eye." she said about to charge the guy.
"I'm sorry sir. But next time can you tell your kid to tell an adult instead of fighting." I said dragging Bey away.
"She's my niece."
"Whatever." I pulled Bey across the street. "You can't just go around getting in people's faces. What if he would have hit you?"
"He wouldn't because I'd beat his ass before he'd get the chance." she said matter of factly.
"Bey come on. I don't need anyone putting their hands on you."
"Jay, I hear you but no little kid is going to bully my child. I always told her to fight back when she could."
"And I don't want our child to be violent."
"So defending herself is bad?"
"No but I'd rather her try other options first."
"Oh yeah because that's possible. 'Can you pause from beating my ass? I have tell the teacher.' Fuck out of here."
"Girl calm the fuck down."
"No! You're not as upset as you should be as her father. Some nappy headed little kid pushed your daughter down causing her to hurt herself." she screamed at me. "Why the hell are you so calm?"
"Because our child needs to see one of us sane in this situation."
"She's inside the house."
"Bey relax okay? We talked to the adult and it's handled."
"You better hope so." she said walking away.

In the house Blue was sitting on the couch with her knee bandaged and ice on her ankle. I guess we took longer than expected so Annie or my mom cleaned her up.
"Daddy I hurt myself." she said pouting.
"I can see baby girl. How you feeling?"
"Daddy I just said I hurt myself."
"No I mean about the situation."
"Oh. I don't like it. I can't play with my cousins or at recess with my friends now."
"You can still play with them."
She shook her head, "No because my knee is wrapped up. And my ankle hurts when I move it."
"Bey you think her ankle is broken?"
She sat down by her feet, "Does this hurt when I touch it?"
"Ssss mommy."
"I didn't even touch you yet."
"Yeah but I can feel it and it hurts."
"It's swollen pretty bad. I'll call Kelly to see if she can fit her in for an x-ray."
"Alright, I'll take her to the car."
"We're going to see Auntie K?"
"Yeah we need to see if you're ankle is okay." I said picking her up and carrying her to the car.
"Can we get pizza afterwards?"
"We'll see about it."
"Kelly said they have an opening at the hospital and she can get Blue in."
"Okay, then let's go."
"Jay if she broke my baby's ankle..."
"Calm down. It's not."
"Says the man who just asked me if it was broke five minutes ago."
"Because I was concerned."
"Yeah okay. I'll have Naomi whoop that girl's ass."
"You not about to have my niece fighting."
She waved me off, "Naomi sounded like she's been wanting to get her anyway."

We're at home now. Blue has to wear this little ankle brace for a while and keep it elevated. She didn't break anything, thank goodness. But she's still not at 100%.
"She sleep?"
"Yeah I was thinking about letting her stay home tomorrow."
"Bey we're both working. Who's going to watch her?"
"I'll take her to work with me."
"You're going to be busy."
"She can stay in my office. It has a bathroom and she can bring her iPad to watch Netflix."
"You sure?"
"I got this. We can switch at lunchtime if that'll make you feel better?"
"It would." I kissed her lips and then we chilled the rest of the day.

Merry Early Christmas everyone because I'll be working up until 4 o'clock Christmas Eve🙃

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Love y'all (not all). Mean it😇💖

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