chapter 3

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Kimiko's pov

Its been days since I came to Konoha. I've been pranking with Naruto alot but never got in trouble because im the goddaughter of the Hokage. Ive been Talking with Jii-chan and Asuma-nee and sometimes even to Konohamaru-kun. It was a normal day in the academy until Asuma-nee came in huffing and puffing. Before i could as him what was going on he said words that sen me right off my seat. He said "Their here".

3rd pov

Right after A jounin came in and told the white haired kunoichi 'Their here'. She vanished with a swirl of water. But what really happened was Kimiko was running as fast as she can. Which was incredibly fast not even the jounin Asuma could catch up to maybe not even Gai the taijutsu master.

In a couple of seconds she reached the door. But before she could open it Asuma's voice was heard form far away.

"Wait Not yet" He yelled to the young girl.

She grumbled and pouted but stay stilled. Asuma finally reached her and told her to wait first. which she begrudgingly agreed to. Inside the office Tsunade and Jiraiya stood annoyed at their sensei.

"What the hellold man?! you sent us a black letter message thats only used for Emergency only to have us meet someone" A feminine but strong voiced yelled.

"Now Tsunade calm down this person is very important and you'd be glad we found her" He tried reasoning with the enraged woman.

"Calm down how can I, I was that close that close to almost winning that game" She yelled making everyone in the room even the young girl outside sweatdrop.

"Sarutobi-Sensei its impossible to reason with her now i think you should just show us the person already" A gruff and manly voice said.

"I guess you're right" He sighed "Come in Kimiko"

Hesitanlty A young girl came in. She had waist long white wavy hair with glowing yellow eyes with slits. She looked up with happiness and hope that they remember her.

"She has HIS eyes is she HIS daughter" Jiraiya asked with interest.

Little did they know that thos words shattered her. She was hurt beyond her she felt like she was dying in the inside. Before she could stop it more tears fell out of the 6 year old eyes. She looked down and covered her face as more tears spilled.

"See what you did" Tsuande blamed him and punched him hard on the head.

"Wha-What happened?!" Jiraiya asked with bewilderment.

Sarutobi looked at the young girl with sadness. Not only does she get to see her parents but to get accused to be called someones child. 'She must be destroyed in the inside right now' He thought with a heavy sigh he turned to the bickering couple.

"Kimiko here is your daughter she was abducted and Orochimaru put his genes into her thats why she has his eyes" He explained.

By now both of them are stopped. They just stared there silenlty until Tsunade spoke up.

"Ho-How is that possible we checked when I was pregnant she wasn't there. You were there that night" Tsunade said with a hint of sadness.

Moments passed and the only thing heard is Kimiko's muffeld sobbs.

"Is tha-that really her?" Tsunade asked hopefully and he nodded.

Without a seconds thought Jiraiya and Tsunade scooped the young girl upand hugged her tightly as if she would be gone if they let her go again. For minutes they cried together as a family.

"I cant believe this I thought I-" Tsunade was cut off by Jiraiya.

"We" He said bluntly.

"We lost you" She continued.

"Well you wont lose me ever again" She whispered into their ears.

They finally broke apart but Kimiko was still carried by her Mother this time.

"Okay now we have some technicality because you guys dont travel together Kimiko will have to stay with one of you for a certain amount of time until she goes to the other parent there will be 7 years until her class graduates so I've decided to have 3 years and 6 month each until she goes to the next parent" He explained and we all nodded.

"But who gets her first" Tsunade asked and glared at Jiraiya to back down but this is the one time he will give up because this time its important.

"Flip a coin" Sarutobi said with a smile and pulled out a ryo.

He turned to Tsunade "Heads Tsunade" Then turned to Jiraiya "Tails Jiraiya".

The coin flipped in the air for what felt like hours until it landed on Sarutobi's palm.

"It's...... Heads" He said and Tsunade cheered loudly as not only does she get her daughter first but this is the first time she won at gambling.

"Kimiko go pack up tomorrow you'll be travelling with your mom" He said and she comforted her dad before getting ready to pack.

But before she left she visited her best friend Naruto. She knocked on the door twice before a sleepy naruto opened the door. He looked over to Kimiko and was suddenly sober.

"Kim-chan!" He exclaimed and hugged her.

"Naruto-tan I have some bad news" She informed him sadly/

"What is it?" He asked hesitantly.

"I have to leave the village for 7 years" She said afraid to llok at him.

When she did Naruto's eyes were glistening. He was biting his lower lip trying to keep his tears from spilling.

"It's alright to cry" She said after pulling him into a hug.

"You were my first best friend" He whimpered.

"I know im sorry Naruto-tan" I cooed and stroked his hair.

"Lets go instead of moping around lets go have fun" I suggested and pulled his arms and led him into the bustling village.

For the rest of the day Naruto and Kimiko Had all the fun they could have. they pulled pranks together. Had ramen eating contest's. By the end of the day they were both tired and said their goodbye. Kimiko returned home to find her mother waiting for her. That night they both slept together.

Kimiko's pov

It was now morning and I was on my way out of the village. I was petting ton ton who belongs to Mom's assistant Shizune. We met this morning as she helped mom get up which was a dangerous job. When she woke up this mroning she tried breaking the whole building.

Right before I could step out I heard a familiar voice yell my name. I turned around and saw a blur of orange approaching rapidly. It got closer and closer until I found out it was Naruto. I opened my arms and he went into it and we bear hugged. He then gave me his famous grin.

"I got something for you so youd dont forget me" He said and pulled out a small box.

He opened it and revealed a silver heart that was in half. He opened it and put it on my neck.

"Its beautiful and how could you think I'd forget you the future Hokage" I commented with a huge grin.

"When we meet again I'll be the strongest person ever and ill support you and make sure you become the Hokage" I said cheesily and gave him a friendly kiss on the cheek which he blushed at.

"Kimiko were leaving!" My moms voice called.

"Bye Naruto-tan until we meet again" I said and waved goodbye.

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