Where am i...?

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Ed's POV

I woke up slowly, my vision all blurry. I started to cough, my throat raw from the cold air, "wh-what's happening??" I call out the best I could. I see a figure approaching me. I try my best to move, but both my automail limbs had been removed and my remaining arm and leg were pinned to a wall by rusted chains. My eyes widened as the person approached.... it was Roy? Relief washed over me, "Roy! Help me pelease!" I manage to choke out. He smirked, "and why would I help you?" He hissed, his words cutting through me like ice. The relief is gone, now replace with terror. "Roy come on, are you messing with me?" I say, hoping he was playing around. This was the same Roy I knew right? "Silly boy, don't you understand? I never loved you. You stupid runt" he pulled out something from behind his back, before I could process what it was it lashed against my face, a metal tipped whip. It left gashes along my cheek, I felt the warm blood start to trickle. I wasn't crying, or screaming, I was just taking it. Heartbroken in agony. Letting each blow hurt me more and more until I felt nothing, the cold had numbed me. I started to cry, letting all the emotions flow. "Roy... is that really you?" I whisper. My vision blurs once more, AM I going to die here? I ask myself, not wanting to know the answer. The leather and steel frays dance across my skin continuously (SPELLING WHATEVER UGH) tears flow down my face as my heart aches. My body numbs, the physical pain nothing compared to the emotional. I become limp giving up, I see my own blood drip on the cold stone floor. I whimper, looking up at Roy (or so he thinks :P) with a sad expression. "I thought you loved me Roy.. I was happy... I thought we were close...I thought I had someone to love... I thought wrong" I whispered. Hoping he wouldn't hear me. I've given up.. my body gone.. my mind blank.. I sit and take all the pain he gives me. My musing arm and leg destroyed on the floor. What have I done to deserve this? Soon my vision blurs and becomes black, I look up to see a familiar face. Am I dead? Mom.. is that you?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SHORT ASS CHAPTER IM SORRY AND IM SORRY FOR UPDATE ISSUES !!!! I'm really in a bad emotional state SO of course that leads me to write a chapter like this! WE ARE SO CLOSE TO 1k READS OMG WHATTTT

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