Stay here

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Edwards POV

I glanced at the door of his office, he called me here personally. Something's up. I entered into the room caught in eye contact  with the raven haired colonel. "Hello...Mustang" my voice called out with surprisingly no annoyance. "Hello Edward-" , "huh?"  I said without thinking. "Oh uh sorry...I guess I'm used to you calling me Fullmetal...sorry for interrupting..." My face became pink from embarrassment. He smirked, "it's quite alright...Fullmetal" ,he emphasized my title. "Well anyway, you are probably wondering why I called you here. Lust is targeting you again for a unknown reason, therefore you are going to have to stay with me for a bit" he finished and looked worryingly at me for a reaction. At this point I lost my cool (first one to make a joke about a short fuse gets a pocket watch shoved down their throat) "WHAT?! Me, staying at your house?! But! But!.." I didn't finish. I actually couldn't think of anything wrong with it. He's trying to protect me so I guess I should be grateful. *sigh* "ok should I go back some stuff to bring to your place?" I asked him looking like a child who lost their home. He looked up from his paperwork and sighed as well, "Edward  we fear that it's too risky for you to go anywhere obvious, so you will have to borrow a pair of clothes from me while I wash yours. " there he goes with the Edward again. I gave him a nod of approval. After hours of sitting in his office it was finally time to go 'home'. I stretched and went to the passenger seat of his car while he soon followed and sat in his place. We drove for about a hour and soon arrived at the colonel home. We entered in and I was taken back, his home was beautiful. The walls were painted with the best of colors and the furniture was just glorious. Roy walked up behind me and spoke ,"it's not much but I hope you can be comfortable here for as long as you need to be.." Then it happened , i looked at him and I saw what all the girls saw.... His attractive face. I found him...attractive? But I was straight!! Right..? "Edward?" Roy asked since I still had said nothing. "Huh? Oh um thank you for letting me stay here!" I said as he snapped me out of my day dreaming state. He looked at me surprised but that soon faded. "If you would like to take a shower I can leave you a pair of my old clothes so I can wash yours." He suggested. I nodded in agreement and he got the clothes he promised and left them outside the door as I looked around his bathroom. It. Was. Huge. The walls were sparkling white and the floor a chocolate brown. I turned to the shower and got undressed, and undid my braid. I left the hair tie and my clothes in a heap on the floor. Walking into the shower was like walking into a automatic stress remover, the warm water just washed away any negative on my mind. I think I might have stayed in their too long, concise ring the walked that I had washed my hair at least 50 times without realizing it. Eventually stepped out and grabbed a towel, after wrapping it around my waist I stepped out to grab the clothes on the ground. Just my luck, Roy was standing right there . Plus he was shirtless, and I had a towel. "Ed-Edward!" He stuttered. "Oh um sorry he said and turned around to shield his sight. I just stood there staring before grabbing the clothes and running back into the bathroom. I think I'm gay....
After changing I started to stare at myself in the outfit I was given. The shorts were well, short and the top was covering them. With my hair not in a braid I looked like a freakin girl. Dear god save me... I sighed and stepped out, holding the clothes that I had previously worn. The damn colonel had looked up and a light pink spread across his face and he did something that we all know he would do...he smirked. I stuck out my tongue and started to explore his place, my golden hair swishes from side to side as I was prancing around like an idiot. I continue my exploring until I come across his bed room, his room was fairly neat compared to mine. His bed sheets were a crimson red and his gloves lay beside the bed, I took in the surrounding before a thought occurred to me, 'if there's only one bed...where will i I sleep?' My mind started to race in thought and wishes, 'what if we could sleep in the same bed, I would love to wake up with his black hair shining over his face in the morning light, the heat between us like that of a romantic film...' OK MIND STOP THIS. I sighed and decided to get this over with. I walked back to where Roy was, the shorts riding up higher on my hips, more of a girly appearance taking over my usual look. "Hey uh Roy..?" I ask nervously. 'Just be a man Edward' I think to myself as I mentally face palm for saying that while still looking the way I do. I focus back as Roy turns to me , "What's up, Fullmetal?" He replies, the evening moon shining through the window lighting up his face perfectly, I muster up the guts, "I'm not too great with sleeping on chairs, do I need t-to s-sleep with y-you?" I ask shakily, my words stuttering as I look to the ground in embarrassment, 'what happened to manly me?' I think to myself as I see my legs being barely covered. I looked back up at the Roy and noted something strange, he was blushing.. He turned back to me , "I uh guess so.. Unless you are too uncomfortable with that...." He added, his voice calm. I smiled and nodded, "thanks" I brushed my hair to once shoulder and yawned, realizing the time I usually was in bed with Al by now. Roy nixed my tiredness and motioned for me to follow him to his room. He took off his shirt to be more comfortable along with his work pants, leaving him with shorts. I blushed at the sight of him and I climbed into his bed, the blankets coming up to my chin as I face his side, he smiles and climbs in as well.
(dream)Huh, where am I? Your with me now, my darling..Mom! Come back! We need you, I need you! Al needs you! Please!!

I woke up in a cold sweat, tear stained and shaking, confused horrified and scared I brought my knees to my chest and felt an arm wrap around me, i turn to see A scared and worried Roy. I pull him into a hug and apologize, "I'm *hic* sorry *hic* did I wake you? I-I just had a bad dream." I said shakily, hiccuping in between silent sobs. He brushes my hair out of my face and leaned down to kiss my forehead, my face bright red from shame and embarrassment. He looked into my eyes, "don't worry about it, Al has been telling me about your nightmares. Your all safe now, I'm here." I hugged him tighter as I muttered a soft thank you. My body stopped shaking and the crying went away, how I hated this colonel just a day ago is beyond me, I truly love him. I snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we both fell into a comfortable sleep.
~time skip to morning~

Still Ed's POV (>_<)

I woke from my slumber with a face inches from mine, I blinked the blurriness away and smiled at the sight of mustang curled up against me. Memories from the night before slip into my mind as I hide under the blanket, "uhhhhhhhhggggg" I groan, thinking about the embarrassment. I hear stirring as I turn to my side and see a half awake Roy, sleep still glazing over his eyes. He yawns at turns over toward me, "Fullm- I mean- Ed? You awake?" I lean up to meet his gaze, "sorry Roy, did I wake you?" I ask, feeling my face flush more with embarrassment once again. "No Ed it's fine, I uh...I'm glad to wake up to you now....." He muttered quietly. My face turns a shade of scarlet as I smile and hug him, "me too.." I see him blush slightly and hug me back. Suddenly he starts to laugh softly as I tilt my head in confusion, "sorry Ed. It's just *laughs* you look kinda like a girl.." He chuckles more. "SHUT IT" I yell at him, knowing that the oversized clothes and my long hair do give me a female appearance. "But you know what you need Edward..." He said a smirk forming on his smug face. "Don't you dare say it" I glare at him, he jumps off the bed and gets on one knee, arms in the air, "TINY MINISKIRTS!!!!!!!!". "YOUR DEAD!!" I yell and tackle him to the ground, laughing my ass off as he did as well. This was the bastard I had fallen in love with eh? Nice.
~Time Skip~
It was about 3 in the afternoon, and me and Roy decided to have some tea. The aurora around was was quiet and Roy didn't seem to talk much, it was kinda weird. After a few minutes he turned to me, "Edward, the military sent me a mission" he put down the the cup and looked at me, "they wanted me to do it with Riza" I slammed the cup down and tried to remain calm. It failed. "Why her?? I thought we were supposed to stay here from..WHOEVER HATES ME THIS TIME" I glare at him. Roy's expression changes to concern, "Ed! I said that I wouldn't go with her! I still have to complete the mission though, Riza is chill, (as long as I do my paperwork). The mission is...interesting..I don't know if you would want to do it..." His voice trails off and he looks into my eyes, I nod, letting him know I was on board with the idea. "Edward....the mission was for me to sneak into a royal fancy blah blah blah party undercover with a 'girlfriend' so I wouldn't stuck out as alone.....unless you wanted to crossdress...." He blushes slightly and looks away from me, a smirk on his face. I facepalm, "Roy, if you wipe that smirk off I may consider it..." He looks up at me once more, "wait really??". He just starts to laugh, and I blush. I mean I will do what it takes to spend as much time with him as I can, and I don't want him with Riza, even though she probably doesn't give a shit about that colonel. If I have to dress like a...girl.....I will to keep my colonel with me.

~later on. Teehee~

Roy comes back later, face red and his hair messed up. I cock my head at him, obviously confused. "Hey Roy, what happened?" I ask, trying to sound chill. He looks at me and starts to laugh, that idiot. "Sorry Ed, I just got back from being on the phone with Riza. She's totally chill with us taking on the mission, although she did decide to tell Kain, Havoc, and Brenda about our plans" fuck them. I start to realize something, my face reddening and my expression dropping, "ROY! What if they tell Al and Winry. I mean if Al knows it's chill but if Winry knows....IM DEAD. OH GOD." Roy just keeps laughing as I flip out about Winry. That's the bastard I know.

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