Stay away

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Ed's POV
(Quick Note im SO SORRY about the slow updates!!!)

I look up and see her running my way, it really was Winry!! Or maybe just a hallucination...I hope it's not though. Seeing her blonde ponytail and bright blue yes coming closer and closer fills me with some kind of hope. I try to smile, but my face too weak. "W...winr...y" I try and choke out, my voice mangled and strained. She runs up to me, "EDWARD!! Thank goodness we found you! OH MY GOD WE NEED TO GET YOU TO A HOSPITAL!" She yells, a wince at the sudden sound but still I cry, I cry from happiness, something I haven't felt in days. I see behind her another figure, also female, and blonde. Must be Riza. Yep, those are gunshots, definitely her. Both of them start to undo the chains that bound me to the wall. A stinging sensation rushing through me. Riza looks at me, "I know it hurts Ed, don't worry we'll get you out of here" she says and motions for someone behind her. Tapping, tapping on the floor of military books, rusting of fabric, clicking of chains. He runs. That man. That man of fear, that man who caused me all this. I look up to see him, Roy mustang. Back again. I gather every once of strength I have and yell, "RIZA! WINRY! LEAVE!! I don't want anyone else hurt by...that..." my body feels weak, the drop the chains from shock and I fall to the floor, landing in some of my own blood from incidents of the night before. I look to my Automatik seeing how torn and tattered my flesh was. Roy just stared at me, he looked concerned, how. How could he just stand there, kill me already! Win and Riza both help me to a sort-of standing position. "Ed I don't know what's gotten into you" Roy says and takes a step closer, I wince in pain of the memories, " more...I can't!! I cant take this anymore!!" I yell at him, tears running down my bruisers and battered face. My golden eyes met the dark raven ones of that bastard. He looked...scared? Nervous? Why wasn't he trying to stop Win and Riza? I look to the distance and I see a flash of green, suddenly it all hits me, envy, it was envy. The whole time. I see him trying to sneak up on Roy, I point behind Roy and hope he realized...I don't remember much more. Except the feeling of cold cement and seeing only black..hearing my name shrieked.
(God I am bad at updating and such a short chapter at that!! Don't hate me I love you all!!)

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