Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

(Picture of Xavier)



I slam my hand down on my alarm clock, accidentally braking it. Ugh not another one. Since I've been taking on more pack jobs, I've been waking up earlier and earlier. Currently my alarm clock is set for 6am.

I groggily get out of bed and clean it. I walked to my closet, a normal pick-out-clothes closet, and picked out today's outfit, which consisted of; Light blue jeans, a matching jean jacket, a white top, black boxers and blue converse. A weird combination but it looks good, on me anyway.

After picking out my clothes and putting them neatly on my bed, I walk into my attached bathroom, stripped down and turn on the shower. I then put my clothes in a washing basket as I look at the wall mirror, that covers the entire wall behind my sink.

I trail my hands over the scars on my body that I've had since I can remember. No one, or at least my pack says, knows how I got them, well besides the one on my stomach. It goes from under my right nipple to my left hip. Ugly. I ran my hand over the scar, it was far more visible than the rest since it happened only a few years ago.

I shake my head yo get rid of the thoughts then get in the shower. I take 30 minutes and get out and once again look in the mirror.

My brown hair is wet and flat against my head with my dark forest green wolf ears sticking out, my bright blue eyes, which become yellow when I'm angry, sparkling and my dark forest green wolf tail swinging side to side.

You might be wondering what I'm going on about. Well I'm a werewolf as you know but...I'm special. Very special. Of course I am, my ears and tail are green and I'm a half shift! I can't fully shift into my wolf until my 18th birthday. But at birth something 'incredible' and 'evolutionary', as Uncle described, happened.

My mother was giving birth to me and I shifted. Well half shifted. That's how she died because I half changed inside of her. But no one blames me. Not even my father did. But I don't know them.

I dry off and change in my clothes and look around and find my light grey beanie on the floor and put it on. I look over to the clock and see that it is 7:15.

"I need to stop getting lost in my thoughts..." I mumble to myself and walk out of my room. Down the hallway was multiple doors, most of which had someone sleeping in, bathrooms, or a guest room.

The packs house is huge. It has 3 floors and a basement, the first floor for two living rooms, a kitchen, two big dining rooms, a bathroom, a library, the packs doctors office and the entrance room which had the stairs to go up to the second floor and third floor then an elevator that goes to all floors, including the basement. The second floor holds all the bedrooms, studies, bathrooms. On the third floor is where all the meeting were held and were we train, all the walls are soundproof. And lastly the basement which has a cinema room, computer room, a gym, the play pups room and a panic room that can hold the entire pack times 4, which is a lot.

I walk down the stairs, more like I slide down the bannister, to the first floor. Once there I walk to the kitchen and prepare everyones breakfast, yes I know this is an Omega's job, but honestly I like doing it, cooking and baking, so I don't have to speak to people or touch them, even tho I'm nowhere near shy.

Just as I finish putting the plates out, everyone comes downstairs to have breakfast. I then put the dirty pots and pans in the sink and watch them dig in. What a bunch of dogs. I chuckle to myself.

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