Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


The rest of the meeting was uneventful. The Dea twins stayed after a scolding from their father, which embarrassed them in front of Greg. I wonder if they'll be mates. I mean, I'm mated to twins, why can't Greg be?

"Xavier." A pair of fingers click in front of my face and brining me back to reality. Uncle. "I've been calling your name for a while. Why weren't you responding? Are you already having fantasies about your mates?" Been doing that for a long time, sorry.

"No, sorta. I was just thinking about the ceremony." I blush.

"And what about it?"

"What will the packs think about having two Alphas and a male Luna? What will they think about us putting two of the most sacred ceremonies together as one? What will they think about me? About my tail and ear-" Uncle stops my blabbering by smacking me on the back of my head.

"Xavier. The packs won't mind. Yes, there will be one or two people that don't like it, but what are they going to do? If they're loyal to their Alphas and accept both of them, of course they'll accept a male Luna." He calms me as he says these words.

"Your Uncle's right. They will accept you as we do. Do you accept us, Xavier?" Max asks, just hearing my name come out of his mouth makes me happy, satisfied. Do I accept them?

"Of course." I smile at them. Uncle and the rest leave the room, leaving only me, Max and Nathan. The silence in the room thickens as the twins start advancing towards me, causing me to take steps backwards, until I hit Nathan's chest, who somehow got behind me and Max gets in front of me.

"You know," Max starts as he traces his finger over my lips, "I can't wait for the ceremony. Neither can Nathan. Do you want to know why, baby?"

"Why?" I whisper, his eyes hold mine captive as Nathan rubs my waist.

"Because we get to mate with the sexiest man alive." Nathan chuckles into my ear and starts kissing my neck causing a low moan escape my throat.

Suddenly, the door flings open and Scye runs around the room squealing about an 'OTP' with his twin and possible mate following behind, laughing their asses off. I move away from the twins, blushing like mad. Why does he keep doing that?

"Scye? What the actual hell? Why are you squealing? What is an 'OTP'?" Nathan asks, probably annoyed at them barging in, I may or may not be a tad bit annoyed.

"I am squealing because of the smell coming from here. It smells of arousal and, let me tell you, Xavier, here, has never been aroused or even had an orgasm. And 'OTP' means one true pairing, which you three are, the best one true pairing."

"Wait. Back up a bit. You've never had an orgasm?" Max asks, facing me, causing me to blush, once again, like a fire truck.

"Well....yes. I don't have time to.."

"Time? I'm the last son of an Alpha and I probably have more work than you but, even I have time to masturbate." Greg speaks up, his formal voice making everything ten times better.

"Wait what?" The two sets of twins say at the same time. Creepy.

"It's called experimenting. I may be sixteen but I do know how to use my hands correctly."

"You could show me." Seth growls. Wait, what?

"Keep your hands off my brother." Max growls threateningly.

"Keep your hands of my brother." Seth growls, with the same amount of threat. Nathan and Scye whistle at their brothers. Seth and Scye have always thought of me as a brother, like I think of them as my family.

"Anyway. Back to Xavier. You've never had an orgasm. Why? How?" Nathan asks, bringing the attention back to me.

"Because- because maybe I didn't want one."

"What ever your reason, no orgasm, huh. Well me and Nathan will give you the best first orgasm ever." Max smirks. Cocky cow.

"Shut up.." I mumble, feeling my lower half harden a bit as I feel some liquid coming out of my..bum. What the hell?!

"Stop harassing him." A new voice peaks up. I look up to see a beautiful, dark skinned girl with bright blue eyes and bright red hair with black roots in two French braids. Standing next to her is, who I presume to be, her brother, as they look very similar. He has grey eyes and similar bright red hair with black sides, and dark skin.

"Ah, there you two are. We've been waiting." Max greets them. He turns towards me and the Beta twins, "this is our packs doctor," he points to the girl, "Zendaya and her twin brother, out packs top warrior" he points at the boy, "Zaèl."

"Hi." I greet, and the twins nod their heads in return. Scye and Seth both say their 'hello's as everybody, once again, sits back down.

"There's so many twins here." I say. It feels odd having three sets of twins in one room.

"True. Hey, Zen, Zaèl, I was meant to ask before but are your wolves also twins?" Greg asks and that peaks my curiosity. Right, twin wolves have the same mate.

"No, but they are siblings." Zendaya replies. Her voice is so...pretty. Angelic.

"Alphas. We have something to announce." Zaèl speaks up after minutes of silence. His voice is like his steed but deeper.

"What is it?" They ask.

"We can smell our mates." That's awesome! So many people are finding their mates.

"That's great, congratulations." Max exclaims and everyone else nods their heads in agreement.

"Why don't we all go down to the kitchen? Because this room is starting to annoy me." I suggest, to which they all agree.

Authors note:
Hey guys, it's me. I'm sorry for the long wait. It's just I've had massive writers block but I'm back! Seriously though, my friend thinks I'm dyslexic but I have no trouble reading... so that makes no sense.

Anyway, I hope all you beautiful faces enjoyed 💚

Peace ~ SkaterJordan

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