Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

(Pic of Maximilian (Max) Rain and Nathanial (Nate/Nathan/Nath) Rain.)


I wake up the next morning feeling horrible. I barely had any sleep due to the issue with Greg and his pack. This is going to be the death of me.

I get out of bed, went straight to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My forest green ears were flat against my head, my tail was wrapped around my thigh, my eyes had bags, my scars were more visible and overall I looked like shit, even though I 'cleansed' yesterday. I strip out of my boxers, put them in the laundry basket and get in the shower.

After washing everything I get out and wrap a towel around my waist. I look in the mirror once more, seeing that I look partly better, then go to my room. I pick out my outfit, which consisted of my grey hoodie, blue jeans, a black T-shirt, grey boxers and black converse. And, yes, the Luna Rain pack are coming today, but we were told not to wear anything formal.

After getting changed I go downstairs and into the kitchen. In there I am met by Seth, Scye and Greg, who looked happy, along with the omegas.

"Hey, X." The twins say, eating their breakfast of bacon and beans, while Greg nods his head in greeting.

"Hey guys. What's on the agenda today?" I ask, sitting down by Greg.

"Well, as you know, the Luna Rain pack is coming, and they know that we've found Gregory." Seth starts. "They'll be coming here and you'll be with Alpha Dean with the Alphas of Luna Rain. They'll be discussing various things. I don't know what about though."

"Alright. Anything else I need to know before I walk into the devils lair." I ask.

"Nope." The twins answer. After our conversation Melissa puts a plate of bacon and eggs on the table in front of me, I give her a quiet thanks and eat. Just as I finish, Uncle comes in.

"Xavier, I will be meeting the Alphas of Luna Rain before you since you'll already be in the meeting room. Is that alright?"

"That's fine, Uncle. But where is Gregory going to be?"

"He'll be with you." He says, knowing that Greg still won't be able to meet his brothers head on.

"Thank you." Greg says quietly, his surprisingly strong British accent showing. Ever since he came here he's been quiet, only a bit more talkative around the twins.

"Question: do I have to hide my tail and ears?" I ask as my tail starts swinging nervously.

"No. But if they have any problems with your tail, we won't have an alliance." Uncle said determined.

"But--" I started only to be cut off by Uncle shacking his head.

"When I say no, I mean no." I sigh. Guess there's no way out of this.

"One more thing everyone. The Luna Rain pack will also be looking for their mates." Uncle says, as most of the unmated wolfs are in the kitchen and he's going to walk out but the sound of Greg's strong British voice stops him.

"There's also something else. My pack is..evolved, I guess you could say. We have same sex mates here and there. Please don't fright if you're mates with the same sex because it has now became a normality. Evaluation is happening." This is probably the first actual thing he has said his entire stay and he speaks so formally it's surprisingly fitting for him.

"Homosexual mates? No thanks." The twins mother spits out venomously, surprising everyone into silence, she hasn't said anything about homosexuals so I assumed she was alright with them. "We already have enough faggots as it is." She points at me.

"Quite frankly, Xavier doesn't look like a piece of meat nor a pile of sticks, ma'am. I'm confused. Why use that word out of anything to insult, well try to, a homosexual?" Gregory surprises us even further as he says this. I just look at him, mouth agape, eyes wide, a look similar to the twins.

"Excuse me!" Maditha, the twins mother, squeals, stomping her too high heals.

"You are excused." Gregory says, impressing us all further as he gestures to the door. Maditha face becomes red and she stomps towards the door, nearly tripping over her too high heals and her red too short pencil dress coming up showing her non-existent ass, probably going to her husband to whine.

"How?" Is all that comes out of Seth's mouth, breaking the silence that coated us heavily.

"How, what? She was being absurd, out of place. She was also using English incorrectly and it irritates me."

"I meant, how on earth did you get my mother, someone who never backs down, to back down?" That is true. No one, besides Gregory, has got Maditha to back down. Not even Uncle nor her husband, Septimus. He deserves an award.

"I just corrected her, that's all. Anyway, why is your mother so insensitive? I would call her a homophobe but in correct English 'homophobia' means afraid of homosexuals, if I'm not mistaken." Gregory is honestly google walking.

"Mother's not always like that. She's a nice women once you get to know her." Scye says, trying to defend his mother but failing horribly.

"Scye, there is no need for you to defend her. If she is what you say, she will defend herself."

"But she's my mo--"

"Scye, shut up. Seriously. I agree with Gregory, Mother got herself into this, she's getting herself out, not us, not dad, her." With that, Seth stands up and leaves the room to get ready. Scye quickly follows after him, probably to apologise. That's how they work. After an argument or something, one walks off and the other runs after to apologise. It's cute.

"Well that" Uncle awkwardly brakes the silence. A messenger wolf, a fast wolf that can remember things and sends messages, runs into the kitchen, not panting at all.

"Alpha. The Luna Rain pack is almost here. They entered our borders 10 minutes ago."

"Alright, Sam. Everybody get in place or whatever. Xavier. Meeting room. Now." Uncle demands, walking out the door to great the Luna Rain pack.

"Okay then. Come on Greg."

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