Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

(Pic of Gregory (Greg) Rain)


"Xavier, what is this?" Uncle asks in a calm manner once we reach the meeting room.

I sigh once again. "Gregory Rain, son of Davidson Rain, Alpha of the Luna Rain pack, he came here before his brothers but we don't know why. He can shift but he looks at least 16. His left leg got impaled by a bear trap and his thighs were bloody. That's all I know."

Uncle looks like he's about to say something so I walk out the door, unable to think properly, and go to the packs doctors office. I open the door and walk in. Seth and Scye are by one of the beds looking at Greg's sleeping form. I clear my throat and gain their attention.

"How is he?" I ask. They both look at each other and sigh.

"The bear trap broke his left leg's like" Scye starts but Seth quickly cuts him off.

"It looks like he has been in a fight and that he's been raped. Most of his ribs are been broken, his right arm is fractured, his leg is obviously broke because of the bear trap and he's broken his nose, which are all healing thanks to his wolf and he also has rope burn on his wrists and ankles." He concludes, moving hair out of Gregory's face. What!? Raped?! The fuck?

"Raped...?" I ask, uncertain and slightly terrified. Maybe that's why he was running.

"Ye--" Scye is once again cut off but only this time by the door swinging open to show my uncle there looking very confused, annoyed and out of breath.

"This," he points to Greg, "is Gregory Rain." I nod. "He was kidnapped 3 weeks ago. His pack, Luna Rain, has been looking for him everywhere. Please tell me nothing too bad has happened to him." He says, still looking highly annoyed, shocked and confused.

I sigh, "sorry Uncle but by the looks of it he was in a fight, or was struggling, broken some of his ribs, fractured his right arm and....he was raped." I say and the last part barely above a whisper. Thanks to werewolf hearing, he hears me.

"Oh my goddess. They're gonna kill me." He rubs his hands over his face. He looks like he's going to continue but he's stops at sound of a groaning. We all look back to Greg, who's waking up.

"Hey bud." I say, taking a seat by his bed. "How are you?"

"I-I am fine." He says, his voice a bit groggy, probably from using his voice for a while, with a hint of a British accent, and I look over at the twins and Seth passes me the glass of water, since Scye looks shaken up.

Seth helps Greg sit up and I pass him the water. Now that I get a better look at him I see that he was wearing Seth's black, long sleeved V-neck, which is too big for him and it makes him look adorable, with some loose pajama pants. He gulps the water down quickly, like he hasn't had any in weeks, which he probably hasn't .

"So...umm...Greg, can you tell us what happened?" Scye asks, snapping out of his thoughts, and cleared his throat.

"Well...there were men from another pack," he paused to think which one, I had a feeling, but dear Lord. Please let me be wrong for once. "I'm quite positive that it was The Dark Claw pack,-"

"Shit!" I shout, jumping out of my seat, startling everyone, who gave me quizzing looks, well Uncle and Greg considering Scye and Seth already know. I rake my hand threw my hair. "Why can't I be wrong for once." I groan turning to the twins, who have looks of pain and sorrow on their faces.

"What's going on, Xavier?" Uncle demands. Being Alpha and all should've made me submit, but I'm a Delta, originally the son of the most powerful Alpha and Luna so, ha, no thank you. I decide to go for a shorter version of what happened. Well...who.

"Jason." I state, the look of realisation washes over my Uncles face, joining with pain and pity. Pity, something I hate, especially in this situation.

"Bloody hell, I'm sorry Zee." Uncle whispers, using my childhood nickname, probably trying to get his point across.

"Yeah, yeah. It's fine.." I say. "But as much as I love this conversation, how are we meant to tell the Alpha's of the Luna Rain pack?" Everyone stays silent. "Don't all speak at once." I drawl out sarcastically, sitting back down.

A couple of minute later Uncle stands up and sighs . "Alright, let's go to bed and we'll just...improvise."

"Great." Improvise in front of one of the strongest packs out there. What could go wrong?

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