Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

(Pic of Scye and Seth)


"True." Seth says. It was, none of use actually 'cleansed'. We just played around, pushing each other while laughing.

I go going to respond but stop as I hear a rustling from the bushes. I look at the boys and we all get dressed very quickly.

Scye goes first, since he's the strongest, Seth stays by me just in case we have to run. I stay behind because I'm special and fast and so I don't get hurt.

The rustling continues and Scye is in the forest close to the sound. My ears are once again flat against my head, which are under my beanie, and my tail wraps itself around my waist.

"Guys!" Scye suddenly shouts, "come in here."

I look at Seth hesitantly. He gives me a reassuring smile, grabbing my arm, he drags me in behind him.

"What is it Scye?" Seth asks once we find him.

"It's another werewolf. Only this one smells of Luna Rain. He's bee-" He is cut off by a whimper. I walk around the bush to see a young, thin brown and grey timber wolf laying there, bleeding out by his leg

"Scye! What the hell happened!?" I ask in panic.

"He set of a bear trap." Scye says, pointing out the obvious while looking at the poor young wolfs leg.

"No. There's no way! You know that more than any of us! Scye, there are no bear traps. No hunters!" Seth demands. Scye looks down at his feet, looking shameful.

"Hey bud. Can you shift back so I can help?" I ask the wolf, crouching down by his side, seeing the bear trap on his left leg. The wolf gives me a short, painful looking, nod and he shifts, which also looked quite painful, into a small boy with light brown shaggy hair and silver eyes, the typical Alpha son build but smaller, he looks to be around 16. How could he shift at such a young age?

"OK, you'll be fine. I'm gonna ask some questions, OK?" I ask.

He give a groggy 'ok'.

" What's your name? And what's your position in the pack?" While asking this I put my hand on his injured leg, he whimpers and tears start to fall.

"My name is Gregory Rain. And I'm the last born s-son of Davidson Rain, Alpha of the Luna Rain pack." He whispers out while crying, a string British accent showing a bit. I look at the twins and they look heart broken at the sight in front of them.

"Gregory, what are you doing here?" I ask as I start undoing the trap.

"I came before my brothers..." He stops, wincing as I manage to get the trap open and move his leg a bit, "because I-ah- can I tell you later?"

"OK well then Gregory-" he cuts me off.


"Well then, Greg, I'm gonna help you get up OK." I put his arm around my neck and help him up. Seth comes and carries him and starts walking back home. Weird.

"Umm, Greg. Don't worry, that is Seth Dea, one of my best friends, and his twin brother, Scye Dea, my other best friend. Oh and my name is Xavier Moon." I say so he wouldn't get too scared.

"What pack are you from?" He asked. Can't he smell us? Then I get a good look at him. His face is bloody because of his nose, probably from falling on his face, his bare form is shaking and he has cuts and bruises everywhere, he also has blood and some white substance in his thighs....weird.

"We're from Red Moon." Scye states.

"Oh umm..sorry I can't smell anything." He apologises.

"Don't worry there's no need to be." Seth reassures. Greg cuddles up to Seth's chest as we approach the house, probably trying to distract himself from the pain.

"ALPHA! ALPHA DEAN!" Scye shouts. Only when we can shift we can use our mind link so we have to shout. Fun.

Uncle comes running out, stops and look the sight in front of him. His nephews hands are covered in blood, Seth is carrying a naked boy in his arms who has cuts, bruises and blood everywhere and Scye looks like he will pass out any minute.

"What on earth happened!" He demands.

"W-we heard a noise and I went to check it an-" I cut off Scyes rambling.

"This, uncle," I say pointing to Greg, "is Gregory Rain, last born son of Alpha Davidson Rain." Uncles eyebrows knit in confusion. I sigh, "we found him in a bear trap and I helped him out."

Uncle starts shouting orders around like crazy, making way for Greg.

Authors note:
Hey guys! SkaterJordan here! I hope you guys enjoy this book. Question: how much words do you think I should at least write? 'Cause I normally do around 1000/1500. Depends. Anyway have a good day, you're all beautiful and I love all of you. 💚

Peace ~ SkaterJordan

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