Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


I sigh, feeling the pillows stroke the back of my head as I glance out the window. So much has happened in such a short span of time. We find Gregory, the only sixteen year old I know that can shift, in the woods, I met my handsome as hell mates, the most homophobic woman in the world has a female mate and my best friends are drooling over Greg.

It's been great.

I was only able to get the twins out of my hair (more like trousers) by reminding them that they have a younger brother who they didn't notice ran out back with the twins, then they were off running. They're like puppies. My puppies. That sounds weird. Very weird.

Today has been weird but, in it's own messed up way, amazing.

I've met some amazing people. Max and Nathan, my twin mates. Gregory, the boy in the woods. Zaél and Zendaya, the twins who are mated to my best friends
parents, Septimus and Maditha. Currently I know 3 sets of twins.

I freeze as I hear my door open. "Xavier? You awake?" Seths quiet voice echos through my room.

"Yeah," I sit up, "what's up?" He comes in the room and closes the door with a sigh.

"Do you know how the mating between twins and someone else works?" He asks as he sits on my bed. Obviously I do. I read.

"Of course, do you want to know?" He nods. "Okay, well, only identical twins get the same mate, like me and the twins, and fraternal twin don't, like the Z twins. The reason for this is the fact that identical twins practically have the same wolf, take you and Scye for example, you two will have the same mate because you come from the same egg, so does your wolves. They're twins. Fraternal twins wolfs are siblings. Make sense?"


"What's peaked your interest?" I ask, noticing he's avoiding eye contact.

"I ... I want to be prepared for when me and Scye meet our mate. It scares me. We'll share the same person for the rest of our lives. And love them equally. Would ... do I have to love Scye like a lover or a brother?" Well then.

"What do you love him as now?"

"I don't know."


uthors Note:
I'm not dead! I'm alive. I've got so many reasons for not posting but I'm gonna skip that and say sorry for being gone. I know this isn't long but I haven't been feeling the best these past few months. 2018 will be better.

Anywho, what's your new year resolution? Mines to actually post :) Probably won't happen, just kidding.

Love you all, peace 💚

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