I Remember

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Dedicated to youknowwho_____ for all her love and support❤ You guys go and read her book "Chemically Irreversible"
I can see your chest heave up and down
I can hear you moan
Each breath is a task
Yet you fight on

Feeling nostalgic
I reminisce down the memory lane
Hoping you'll forgive me
For all the mistakes I ever made

I remember
The way I thundered at you
Like a storm, ready to vanquish everything in my path
Yet you kept your cool
Taking it in your stride

I remember
How you held me
Wiping the tears off my face
Letting them soak your shirt
As sobs racked through my body

I remember
You standing up for me
When I was too weak
Giving me courage
To no longer be meek

I remember
You waking me up
From horrific nightmares
Snuggling by my side
To keep them(nightmares) at bay

I remember
Coming home to you
Being greeted with a smile
With warmth and love
That had been missing from my life

You've been by my side
Through thick and through thin
I often took you for granted
And I regret it today
I wish I had told you sooner
All of these things

I murmur in you ears
Through my tears
"My best friend, my secret keeper
I will love you forever,"
Knowing that perhaps,
You'll never hear

The night grows shorter
I press my fingers into your palms
A tranquillity descends upon your features
You seem to be at peace

I'm hoping for the best
Yet I can't see you in such pain
I pray for your misery to be taken away
For somehow I knew, deep in my bones
That today was the day

I brush my lips against your forehead
Tears streaming down my face
And as the day dawned upon us
The monitor stopped beeping
And in that silence
I felt your presence one last time
Before you moved on...

I watched a glorious sunrise
Through the window
Whispering to myself,
"I'll come home to you."


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