Stop me.

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(A/N: readers I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated in forever!!!!! I'm going to try and update regularly with your issues to if I get any. Any who sorry again for disappearing, please forgive me!)


He's my saving grace.

My hero.

He managed to save me from myself to.

Every night that I cried

they were replaced by guidance


Each working to heal.

He knew everything of me,

I knew all of him.

One night was terrible though

That night caused me to see red

My own red spilling from my arm,

Oh how my blood is pretty....

I cried

I hurt

Because of something meant to help me.

'Move on'

Yeah because it's totally that easy.


But no,

That wasn't the end

No freaking way.

Everything was lovely,



The very next day.

He didn't know

He'd couldn't.

Never would I tell.

Well shit.

That worked.

I told him

He grew angry almost

Upset definitely.

Told me to throw away my blade.

I didn't even think twice

I did what I was told.

That's one down.

Then a day came

Shit went down

And I needed to

Oh wait my blades gone

Then I found a screwdriver

And a sharpener

Oh hey look a blade.


Where are the bandaids again?

Dammit to much

Someones gonna see now.....

Jumpers are my new favourite clothing


But then,

That was it

I gave up.

Some might say impossible,

Well I call it love.

I call it my boyfriend.

The one who saved my life


Every day I knew

I knew if I ever did it again

What would he think?

And so,

With a little love

A promise

A smile

And some faith

My blade is gone

My skin is clean

My life,


Is better.

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