I am me.

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(A/N: some swearing used)

I loved you once,

I love you still.

Always have,

Always will.

No matter what anyone says they can't decide for me.

This is my life and this is how I choose to live it.

Don't give me instructions I'll never follow.

I don't care what you say anymore.

I've taken enough shit from people.

I've had enough.

No more you hear.

No fricken more.

That's it.

The end

Game over.


Can't you people see what you do?

You bring people down.

Girls you call fat, starve

Guys you call gay, are good people.

People you tease day in, day out,

Have things going on that you can't even begin to imagine.

You never know what's happened to someone.

They're parents are divorced. Oh that must be a bad family then.


I know plenty of people with divorced parents and they have wonderful families.

I don't exactly know first hand, but I've seen it with some of my closest friends.

No one seems to stop and think that maybe they're alright.

That they're good people.

Same thing with gays and lesbians.

It doesn't matter who you are or who you love, as long as you love them right?

All those people who turn their noses up just because they're not like most people.

Because they're not "normal"

What is normal?

What the hell would you classify as normal?

Normal is the way something usually is or happens.

Who cares!

Now I know I'm not normal.

I'm weird




And I'm a messed up ok?

I know that.

I don't care.

I'm different and I'm proud.

I love cars and bikes and footy.

And I love dressing up and dolls and jewelry.

So what?

When I say 'I love cars' to the girls, most laugh and go 'ohh that's a BOY thing!'

Sexist much?

And to the guys if I said that I like dolls they'll laugh at me and tease me and say that's girly.

If a girl says to another girl that's she looks nice it's ok. It's a compliment.

If a guy says to his mate ohh you look really handsome however.....

Automatic reaction: what the hell dude? Are you gay?!?!

It's messed up.

Society is stuffed up. Bad.

And y'know what I'm sick of being judged.

I am who I am and you can't change that.

No one can change who I am.

I will change for NO ONE.

My life, my way. And guess what bitches, I'm here to stay!

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