
19 1 0

We all wear masks.

Some thicker then others.

Some stronger.

We need our masks, we do.

It hides ourself from others.

Over time though our masks are worn and tattered.

We scramble to find a new one.

No one is allowed inside.

No one can see

The things people would do if they could see you without your mask on.

Some would cry

Some will probably punch you in the face.

Others will just shrug it off.

It's funny how people flock to new information.

Someone lets slip that they like someone and is pestered until the others get what they want.

People want answers.

People NEED answers.

We're too persistent for our own good.

Most will stop at nothing to retrieve the smallest bit of new news.

If a crack appears on our mask,

We shine through.

The true us.

Reaching light.

Most secrets are kept hidden

But some you can let out


Scream,cry,stomp up and down in a temper-tantrum dance.

It doesn't matter what you do.

Just let it all out.

Right now.

Do it.

Scream in your pillow.

Cry on someone's shoulder

Stomp up and down and look like a three-year-old just for the fun of it.

There comes a time when you know,

If you don't let out all the feelings you'll explode.

The hate

The frustration

The hurt

The tears

All the pain

Let it out because our masks are breaking

Our true selfs will come through

It's time to show who we really are.

Rip off your mask ladies and gentlemen.

Let everything out.

Because the masks are no more.

They're gone now.

And all that's left is you.

The real you.

Who you are,


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