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Cyber bullying is shit to say the least

People you don't know

Or you do

Tearing you apart from the inside.

People say

Just walk away from the screen

Close it down

Turn it off.

That doesn't stop the feeling inside though.



Desperate to know the rest of it

You have to look

You put yourself through the pain

The pain of one more look.

When they say you can just leave it

Just walk away from it,

They couldn't be more wrong.

It sticks

A nagging pull in your mind

It can't be helped

It won't be


Or so you think.

It's not easy I know but just

Just shut it down

Turn it off

Put it away

Go have a nice shower to calm you down

Have a cry

Let it all out

Let all the worries

The problems

The bullying

Let it all wash away down the drain

Let it go.

Call up a friend

Talk to them

Text them


Think that you have no one?

Message me

I mean it.

I'm here for you,

any and all of you

I'll do anything I can

I know what it's like believe me.

It's dark

And cold

And hella lonely

So talk to someone

Even me

Because no matter what

There will always be someone to listen.

(A/N: Seriously just inbox me if you want I'm here to help :) love you all with rainbow unicorns!)

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