Chapter 2

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"Hey mom." I said walking in the kitchen.
"Hey." She replied back.
"Can I go to a party tonight with my friend please." I asked.
"Yeah you can."
"But mom please. I already did my home-" I was pleading my case. "Wait did you say yes?" I asked confused. She has never just told me yes to anything before. I usually have to beg for hours and tell my mom that I will clean the whole house or something.
"Yeah you can go." She repeated herself.
"Mom are you feeling okay?" I touched her forehead.
"Yes I'm fine. Stop touching me." She moved my hand from her head. "What time does the party start and end?"
"It starts at 7 and ends when the last person leaves."
"Be back in this house by 1."
"Is that in regular time or black people time?"
"Don't push it." She said sternly.
"Okay. I'm going to go get ready." I said walking out of the kitchen.
"Hold up. Bella come back here." My mom said.
"Yeah mom?"
"Who is this friend of yours? Do I know her?" She asked.
"His name is De'Shaun." I said putting emphasis on his.
"Is he your boyfriend?"
"Mom pushing the boundaries." I said.
"There are no boundaries in this house for me." My mom said sternly.
"No he's not my boyfriend. Me and him are just friends. Now if you don't mind I am going to go get ready because he will be here a 7:30 and it's already 6 o'clock and we all know that beauty takes time."
I walked upstairs to my room and took a shower. When I was finish I put on my outfit which was my black jean shorts my black crop top and my all black air forces. I grabbed my black leather jacket also. I have to wear all black because I'm on the dance team and we have to perform tonight. I flat ironed my hair and but it into a high pony tail.
"Bella your date is here." My mom yelled from downstairs.
"I will be down in a minute." I yelled back.
Good thing my dad and brothers weren't here because if they were there will be a full on interrogation going on.
I put on some lotion and spray some perfume. I looked at myself in my full body mirror and I felt accomplished. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs.
"I'm ready." I said.
"Well lets go then." De'Shaun said.
"Have fun you two. But not to much fun. Have her home by one." My mom said.
"By mom love you.

It was about 2 hours into the party and me and De'Shaun were already having a lot of fun. I spoke to almost everyone. Well at least everyone that I knew.
"Alright everyone settle down settle down. Tonight we have your own Miami Heights dancers in the building. So if all of you can come out in the middle of the floor. Everyone else give them some space." The DJ said into the microphone.
We danced to Hello Love by T. Rone.
"What's your name?" The DJ asked pointing at me.
"Me?" I questioned to clarify.
"Yeah you."
"Isabella." I said.
"Bella. Can I call you Bella?" He asked.
"Sure." I said.
"Bella. You are an amazing dancer." He complimented. "What grade are you in?" He asked.
"9th." I replied.
"Fresh meat. Hell you dance better than the older girls on the team." He said.
"Thank you." I said.
"You're welcome beautiful." He said.
"Beautiful." Tanisha one of the girls on the dance team called out. "I am your girlfriend. You only call me beautiful. And you listen here you little whore. You stay your ass away from my man. I will beat your ass about this one. Do not fucking play with me bitch. I can have you kicked off this dance team so fast." She practically yelled at me.
"First who are you getting loud with. Second you can't have me kicked off because as of last practice I am captain. Remember the one you went to see your OBGYN because you thought you were pregnant with I think his name was Phillip baby. And third I wish you would even do as much as trying to touch me. That and believe I would have your face fucked up so badly to the point where you won't have to see you OBGYN again. Play with it hoe." I snapped back.
"Ladies ladies. Calm down." Ashton (The DJ) said.
"Little girl you are officially on my bad side." Tanisha said.
"Didn't know you had a good one since all I'm seeing right now is ugly." I said.
"Oooooooo." Everyone in the crowd made their own little remarks.
"Listen to me. I will make it my business to make sure your time at this school is hell. Do not play with me." She said.
"Aww at least we know I'm on your mind." I said.
Tanisha then took a swing at my face. I stumbled a little. I'm not gone lie she got me pretty hard just not as hard as I'm gonna hit her. When I actually realized that she hit me I swung at her face and it all went down hill from there. At least for her it did.
When the fight was broken up I put my hair into a messy ponytail and walked outside to cool off.

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