Chapter 1 - The Meeting

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Photo Credit: Taken from Eat Bulaga Twitter Account

Let's go back to where it all started, how Dei and Richard met. Young, both damn good-looking, it was inevitable that they would fall for each other. Destiny still plays a big role in their first meeting, as it will be revealed in the succeding chapter. But for now, read on and relish the giddy moment of falling in love.

Enjoy reading my loves, hope to hear from you :)

October 2010

Richard was beginning to regret coming to the college fair. He was too old for this really, but his friends convinced him to join them here as a means of hooking up with some girls they recently met. He was not the type who liked hook-ups though. But recuperating from a bad break-up necessitated drastic measures to speed up the recovery process. At least that's what his friends thought.

He surveyed the area, stifling a yawn. The girls here were too young, mostly minors he would not touch with a ten-foot pole. They all looked alike; same haircut, same manner of dressing, same mannerisms way down to the way they laugh.

Someone suddenly grabbed his arm and cuffed him. Ugh, it was the marriage police, some senior high school students manning the marriage booth. He now had to suffer the consequences of having to be paired against some equally unlucky girl, undergo the mock marriage rites and share a dance with her in the dating room. It was probably fun for the younger students, but rather embarrassing for a college senior like him.

"Any chance that I can just pay you to set me free?"

"We don't take bribes sir. We have a quota for the number of couples we can match in a day."

"Can I at least choose who I get to be paired with?"

"Sure, we'll tour the grounds and find you someone."

The girls led the way, while a long-haired guy held the other end of the cuffs. They passed the different rides, the food stalls, the open air concert area, and finally, the marriage booth. Richard couldn't find anyone he was even remotely interested in. Half an hour had already passed, he was pretty sure his friends were off somewhere with the girls they were stalking. He just wanted to get this over and done with, and then he would go home and sleep off his boredom.

"Kayo na lang bahala, guys. Let's just get this over with," He said resignedly.

"Found someone!" Longhaired guy said excitedly.

She was dressed in all white; white tank top and matching jacket, ripped white jeans and Stan Smiths. Her hair was in a ponytail, but Richard couldn't see her face. Nice butt, he noted, long legs for someone her height, and he liked that she was just standing there, without trying to attract anyone's attention. They approached her stealthily, then Longhair went for the kill and suddenly cuffed her.

"You've been arrested by the marriage police, ma'am," the girls excitedly said.

She turned in surprise, her face bumping into Richard's rock hard chest. Even in the dark, Richard noted how pretty she was. She had gracefully arched eyebrows that framed her deep set eyes, a narrow-bridged nose and man oh man, soft, full lips made for kissing.

Their eyes met and held, both of them refusing to blink, making an instant connection without a word yet spoken. Richard's cuffed hand held hers, their fingers interlaced without protest from her. He stooped to whisper to her.

"Sorry about this but let's just play along with it, shall we? Para na lang matapos na."

She was looking at him unabashedly with a mixture of childlike curiosity and shyness. When they locked gazes again, she was the first to break contact and lowered her gaze, showing a thick foliage of long lashes fanning out on her cheeks.

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