Chapter 19.1 - The Morning After

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Photo Credit: Saw this photo from Chuvaness' blog but could not trace where she got it from

As promised, the bonus quickie update to the couple's hot date. No need to waste your time explaining, sweeties. Read on and enjoy, but don't forget to comment, ok?

Harot at its naughtiest:)

August 2, 2015

It was a Sunday but Pat couldn't wait for Monday to find out about Dei's decision. There was so much to be done and she didn't want anyone to spearhead the Aldub account. Dei had the maturity and creativity to make it work, to come up with a strategic plan that would satisfy their clients. She called Dei, hoping she was already awake at 9:00 in the morning. Dei answered at the sixth ring.

"Hellooohhh," Dei answered breathlessly. She heard a muffled moan, wondering if someone was either hurt or doing something she would be envious of.

"Dei, sorry to call you on a Sunday, just wanted to know if youv'e made a---"


"Dei, are you listening?"

"Huhhh, S-sorry Pat, you were saying?"

"I asked if you've reached a decision."

"Uhhhh....oohhh.......Can we talk on Tuesday?"

"Tuesday? Why not tomorrow?"

"Huhhh.....mmmmm.......I'm.....I'mmm sick tomorrow...ahhhh!!! Bye Pat, ohhh baby...."


"Hello, Daniel?"

"Hey Richard, what's up?"

"Could you cover for me on that site meeting tomorrow morning in ohhhhh....La Vista?"


"I'm not feeling.......we....oooohhhhh........well....."

"What's bugging you?"

"Man, why are you asking so many ......q.......questions? I'm rarely ahhhhh...absent."

"Ok fine, I'll—"

"Thanks, bye!"


Dei looked up at him, her lips kissing the head of his shaft. She winked at him, wagging her eyebrows and licked at the head, making him groan.

"Dei.......Clarisee....Damn, whoever you are, fuck me now, and stop teasing me."

"That'll teach you for eating me while I'm answering a business call."

She stood up in her naked glory, but was grabbed by the waist by her still lusting husband.

"Babe, pwedeng kumalma? We've been at it since last night, " She said, giggling when he started licking her neck.

"Are you complaining? Pakulo mo to eh." 

He pinned her down beneath him, their naked bodies rubbing against each other. He looked at her tenderly, kissing her softly on the lips.

"Dei, I don't know what inspired you to do this but I'm so emotional for the effort you made. I know I owe you for always working late. That will change, I promise."

She smiled sweetly at him, feeling deliciously sore but could not get enough of him. She gently caressed his butt squeezing playfully at its rounded fullness.

"I so wanted a taste of this booty," She said jokingly, and slapped his butt hard.

"Ow! What the fuck, are we doing Fifty Shades next?" He buried his face in the valley between her breasts, nuzzling her fragrance there while gingerly rubbing his butt.

"Seriously, RJ, you mentioned you had plans for us last night. What were you planning for us?"

"I was planning to take you to Spiral for dinner and check-in for the night. "

"Awww.....that would have been wonderful baby."

"We can still do that some other time. Your plan is so much better. I love the role-playing, and that dress you wore. Must be the writer in you that makes you so creative."

"No......cheesy as it may sound, it's me missing you."

"We have until tomorrow, Dei. I'll never take you for granted, ever again."

"So we're not going out of here till tomorrow morning? She wasn't complaining, in fact it amused him that she sounded hopeful.

"No, you'll be my sex slave till tomorrow morning.......Clarisse. Sino ba si Clarisse talaga?

"Gahhhh. I just made her up, RJ. Now deliver on your promise, sayang oras.....tick-tock......fuck me now."

He parts her legs and enters her still moist apex, his shaft getting harder as he hears her moan. She rubs her breasts against his chest, pinching his nipples and biting him on the shoulder. Her legs tighten around him, forcing him to thrust into her deeper.  They rock in rhythm together, lips locked, breaths mingling and hearts beating wildly. He rolls to lie on his back, taking her with him, letting her ride him with abandon. Hair wild and loose, breasts cupped in his hands, she takes control, grinding her hips in a frenzy that makes him sit up and move with her.

Their moans fill the air, the bed creaked with every movement they make. They climax wrapped around each other, drenched in sweat. Richard kisses her neck whispering lewd promises in her ear as she giggles in anticipation. They drop their bodies to the bed together, tired and sated.

For now......

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