Chapter 42 - Band Aid

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Photo Credit : I forgot who owns this photo, so sorry, i have no claim over this photo

Early update my dears, you already know why.  I'm revealing a twist here in this chapter, which may or may not tell you where the story is leading to. I hope I keep you guessing, because I would hate for my story to be predictable. But this story arc gves you a glimpse into a troubled person's point of view, why bad decisions are made, and why we sometimes shouldn't judge people too quickly.

I've made the mistake of judging people by impressions or appearance and it's not a good feeling when you find out you've judged someone harshly without knowing what they've been through. This is why I always include  back story of some of the characters, to make them ore human. Some of you get it, and that makes me happy.

Anyway, this is fiction after all, so enjoy lang, I love interacting with all of you. Thank you very much for suggesting the story arcs, some of you may see that I follow your advice and incorporate your thoughts in my story. So this is our story now, we write it together

Have fun reading before the workweek starts! :)

It's been two months since he last saw Sheila on his birthday. He never attempted to call her, actually forgot about calling her on his birthday because he was too busy celebrating with his wife. From their dinner, they had to pick up Thirdy from his parents' house, then proceeded home to put Thirdy to bed. But Thirdy refused to sleep, and they ended up playing with him till he got all tuckered out by midnight.

After that call, Mr, Enriquez never called again, so he guessed everything was ok. There was a niggling doubt at the back of his mind that Sheila might need his help but he pushed the thought away, refusing to take a risk on showing concern that might be misread for something else. He chose the safe path to stay away.

It was early morning when he arrived at the site, to get ready for another meeting with Alvin and Danica. The scene that greeted him at the office took him aback.

Sheila was seated on the table, facing the door, legs apart. A man was kissing her neck, her eyes were closed, neck tilted to the side. His hands were busy inside her top, and from the looks of it, he planned to consummate what they started.

Richard cleared his throat, eyes gazing steadily at them. Sheila's eyes flew to him and smiled, straightening her shirt, slightly pushing the man away. He saw the man zip his pants, and wipe his mouth before he faced Richard, a sly smile on his face.

"Richard....long time no see. This is James, boyfriend ko."

"Pare, hi." James extends a hand but Richard merely waves, refusing to shake his hand, wondering were the hand might have gone before the handshake.

"Hi James, sorry madumi kamay ko," He said meaningfully, looking at James in the eyes, to which James flushed and looked away.

"James, pare.....good to meet you. I suggest though, next time you need to be intimate, take Sheila to a more private place, she deserves respect. Wag dito pare, place of work niya 'to."

Sheila laughed, putting an arm around an embarrassed James and kissed him full on the mouth. He was a small thin guy, probably younger than Sheila, with wavy hair and fair skin.

"Babe, sorry nabitin....Later."

With linked hands, they stepped out of the office. Richard shook his hand and laughed. Bakit ba ako ang laging sinusuwerte makakita ng ganyan, he asked himself. He tried to put the incident out of his mind and prepared the day's paperwork for the meeting. A few minutes later, Sheila is back.

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