Chapter 54 - The Love Letter

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Hello my dears.....Here's a heartwarming update for you all. 

On the whole, it's a special birthday for Richard on his 30th, and Dei found a way to make it extra special. There are some revelations from Dei to Richard in her love letter so read on and find out how he will react.

Hope you enjoy this friends and as usual, feel free to comment below :)

January 2020

The kitchen was finally spic and span after Dei and Manang Loida, their cleaning lady, finished clearing the dinner party mess. It was a nice party that the FG Design Group threw for their boss Richard, a combination new year as well as birthday celebration for him, since they knew his actual birthday would be spent with the family.

Richard was in the bedroom putting Thirdy to sleep. This was her only opportunity to frost the cake that she baked yesterday and kept hidden among the new year leftovers. She quickly frosted the cake and put it in a cake box she purchased.

She had trouble thinking of a gift for Richard on his 30th birthday. It was a milestone after all, and she wasn't earning as much anymore. Giving him the pick-up on his last birthday was a difficult gift to beat, but she knew that Richard didn't look at the price tag behind a gift. She decided to give him three sentimental gifts she was sure he would like. The gifts were wrapped and hidden in the spare bedroom, waiting for tomorrow to be given.

Tired, she entered the bedroom to check on her family. Athena was fast asleep but was bound to wake up in an hour for her feeding. Thirdy was spooned against his daddy, both wearing the same adorable open-mouthed expression while sleeping. Her heart swelled with love for her family, in this room was her universe, her happiness.

She went into the bathroom and took a hot shower, closing her eyes against the needles of water hitting her face, loving the cascade of hard drops on her body. Arms suddenly wrapped around her middle, as Richard deliciously nuzzled her neck. Her hands ran over his arms around her, tracing the network of veins that led to his hands. She turned to face him, her arms clasping at his neck.

"Happy Birthday, baby." She pulled his head down for a lingering kiss, titillated by the combination of warm water splashing over their slick bodies. Her breasts pebbled at the tips, jutting against his chest.

"Is it midnight already? Bilis ng oras."

"I'll give your present tomorrow ha."

"Oh so this isn't it?" He eyed her naughtily.

"Hala, it's been three weeks pa lang since I gave birth."

"Babe, you know I didn't mean we go all the way."

"So what did you mean?"

"Well I could do this...." He bent to claim a nipple, rolling it in his mouth with his tongue, the back and forth motion giving her pinpricks of sensations.

"Easy babe, I'll be feeding in a bit, and.....ooohhhhh, yes, much better."

He started licking her nipples, long and lazy strokes, circular and cross patterns over each peak. He reached over to shut off the water and pulled her close, kissing her all over her neck and jaw. Her hand reaches for his shaft, ready to kneel and take him into her mouth, but he stopped her.

"Sweetie no. I know you're tired and you'll be feeding Athena in a bit. Come here, I just want to hug you." He pulled her up and they stayed close his chin on top of her head, her face nuzzling his neck.

"I love you, birthday boy."

"I love you more, Dei."

He helped her finish up showering, then picked up a fretting Athena while Dei got ready to feed her. He smiled at how Athena latched on to her mom, a small hand on Dei's breast as she sucked greedily, her cheek billowing with every suck. After feeding on both breasts, he asked to carry Athena again. 

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