Chapter 32 - Hospital Moment :)

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Photo Credit : @mainedcm's Twitter account

First time to see people clamoring for an update and I love it! Heto na , heto na. This is just a light harot update, to balance off the heavily emotional chapters recently. There's a hint at what's to come in the future chapters though, let's see if you're able to spot it :)

Have fun with this, my dear readers. Para-paraan even in the aftermath fiving birth, haha! Hope you like it, leave a comment as usual :)

Dei woke up feeling a little sweaty and with a dull pain in her lower abdomen and back. Her tummy was still slightly protruded but she expected that, she read that breastfeeding would shrink her uterus further, thereby shrinking her tummy as well. She opened her eyes to see Richard holding her hand, slumped over her bed, sleeping. Her hand pulled away from his grasp, she gently combed her fingers through his hair.

"So it was all real," she said to herself. "You really are here. It wasn't a dream."

She struggled to sit, wanting to go to the bathroom to pee. Her movements shook the bed slightly and woke him from his deep sleep. Disoriented, he lifted his head slowly, rubbing the sleep off his eyes. Their eyes met and held, he smiled at her.

"Good morning, mommy." He stood to hug her gently, but the time away from her proved too much to bear. They hugged tightly, his lips pressed on the top of her head. She winced slightly from his tight hug, prompting him to loosen his hold on her.

"How did you know?" She asked him apprehensively.

"Your mama called me. It was a good thing I scheduled my trip several days earlier than your due date. I thought I wasn't going to make it in time for your giving birth."

"Babe, I need to pee and I don't want to do it in a bedpan." She surprised him by gently standing up on her feet. She walked stiltedly to the bathroom, Richard following behind her with her IV drip bottle in his hand. Once inside, she freshened up, changed into fresh underwear and loose button down cotton knit dress. She felt more human once again, a far cry from right after she gave birth.

"Babe, are you really supposed to be walking around already? You might need to slow down a little."

"I'm ok, don't worry. I'll use a wheel chair once we visit the nursery when I nurse Thirdy."

Richard looked at her soberly. Naming the baby after him seemed like such a lofty responsibility. He wasn't sure he deserved such an honor, considering the mess he created.

"Dei, I'm not sure I deserve to pass on my name to our son. I made a mess of us, I broke my wedding vows."

She sat on the bed, and pulled him to her side. They looked at each other, she, thinking of all the painful words she hurled last time she was with him, and he, imagining the pain he caused her when he left. She reached for his hand and twined her arm through his.

"Babe, so many things happened to us already, some really painful. Can we start on a clean slate, forget about all the pain? Let's build new memories, happy ones. The good thing about us, loving each other was never a problem. And now we have Thirdy, and you're here. Smile, RJ. Thirdy would be proud to carry your name."


He wheeled her into the nursery, ready to breastfeed their baby for the first time. Thirdy looked adorable in his baby clothes, his face a rosy pink, rounded cheeks flushed from crying. It was the first time Dei saw him clearly, and her eyes misted over, marveling at Thirdy's perfection. How could she, awkward Desirae Mendoza-Faulkerson, give birth to such a handsome baby boy? He was a replica of his daddy, but he got her thick, dark brown hair, her stubborn cleft chin, her golden skin tone. He was the best of both of them.

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