Chapter 5 - Anguish

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Photo Credit: @aldenrichards02 Instagram Account

Surprise update! As promised, I have been working on advance chapters whenever I get the chance, to be able to post more updates like before. I have to warn you though, this is a sad chapter, it might even be shocking to some of you. It's painful and shocking, but crucial to the turning point of the story, so for those who feel they cannot take the emotional impact of this development, please skip this chapter.

I know some of you wonder if such mothers who are cruel to their daughters really exist. Believe me, they do. I've worked with abused children before, and know a few horror stories about mothers who seem to have no love for their children. But Dei's mama is different, she is a wounded soul. I will try to insert a back story for her later on.

Sorry to counter the happy vibe of our real life MaiChard, beshies. I promise to make up for this in the next chapters. For now, read on if you can, and as always, leave a comment. I'm so happy to see familiar readers, thanks so much for following this story, and thanks also to those who like the story flow.

January 2012

Richard excitedly dressed up for his date with Dei. They were celebrating their first anniversary as a couple, a big milestone considering they were in a secret relationship. Their feelings for each other remained steadfast and defied the odds, even if their dates were limited to just an hour or two of togetherness within the campus grounds.

Their anniversary was made more special because of his planned surprise for her. Tonight, he was going to ask her to marry him. True, they were both young, she was turning 20 this year, and he had just turned 23. But they didn't have to get married right away. He just wanted to have this commitment between them, an assurance that their relationship was serious, and it would end in marriage. He had never been more sure of anything in his life, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Dei.

Zaragoza + Architects, one of the top architectural firms in the country, offered Richard a job as one of their junior architects, which he readily accepted. They took him on even while he was still reviewing for the board exam, having so much faith in his design skills and his vision. The job allowed him to save up for a night in Tagaytay in one of their client's hotel, so that he could propose to her in romantic surroundings, the way he knew she would appreciate.

The engagement ring was the same ring his father gave his mother twenty five years ago, a simple platinum band with antique diamond setting. The ring still looked beautiful, and it meant the world to him if Dei would be willing to wear it on her ring finger.

Dei was equally excited about this date. She asked permission from her parents to spend the night with classmates for a school project. She talked to her best friend Rina to cover for her, in case her mama decided to call their house and check on her.

Everything was all set for them to spend the night together for the first time. Richard did not tell her where they were going, claiming it was a surprise. She excitedly packed a swimsuit, just in case they were going to the beach, a towel and extra change of clothes. She took one last look at her image on the mirror and hooked an arm through her backpack. Mama was outside the door of her bedroom as she stepped out.

"All set for your school project night?" Mama asked, looking at her sharply.

"Yes mama, they're already waiting for me," She said, a bit nervous.

"You look uneasy Desirae, are you keeping something from me?"

" mama. I just have to go now, I'm running late."

She tried to walk past her mama but did not anticipate mama pulling her backpack from her. Mama quickly opened her bag and spilled the contents on the floor.

"You lying little slut."

She pulled Dei by the hair, dragging Dei to her bedroom.


Dei was two hours late. She should have been here in school by 4:00 in the afternoon, and it worried him that she wasn't texting back. He walked out of the campus, waiting for her by the main gate, anticipating her to step down from one of the cabs.

He checked his phone once again and found a cryptic text message from her.

"I'm in the chapel of the blessed sacrament."

He knew what she was referring to. The church was a few blocks away, the chapel of the blessed sacrament was in the far end of the church. He drove to the church and quickly parked by the side. He entered the chapel, his heart thudding. Dei was nowhere to be found. He kneeled on one of the pews and prayed, praying for his proposal and for Dei to be ok.

It was starting to get dark when he stepped out of the chapel and saw her waiting by his car. She was wearing jeans and a black pullover, with a shawl wrapped around her head. She looked like she was shaking with emotion and as he approached, her tear-drenched face filled with fear.

He hugged her closely, not asking any questions. He had a feeling she had another incident with her mom. He rubbed her back, trying to ease whatever turbulent emotions were taking over her. She sobbed quietly, hugging his middle tightly.

"I....I'm s-sorry I'm late."

"Hush sweetie, it's ok. I was worried about you but thank God you made it. Let's talk in the car."

He gently helped her into the car and took her bag, which he noticed was big and heavy. He stored the bag in the trunk and got into the driver's seat. Dei had her head bowed, her back tensed. The shawl was still on her head, it was starting to scare him. With a hand shaking, he reached for the shawl and gently pulled it down.

He tried his best not to gasp in horror at what he saw. Dei's long hair was chopped off into ugly, irregular lengths, at some parts really short. She was sobbing again, her hands covering her face.

"RJ.....I'll understand if.....if you want to call off our night together," She said, her voice muffled.

Hell no, he thought vehemently. He felt a violent anger for Dei's mom, unable to comprehend how a mother can maim her own child, break her spirit with an abusive act such as this. He hated her, she awakened a primal response in him to strike back for hurting the woman he loved.

He gathered Dei in his arms, hugging her tightly. Angry tears formed, his chest felt painfully tight. He kissed her head, gently pulled away the hands covering her face and kissed her, his lips worshipping hers, tugging at her lower lip, tongue caressing hers. They have never kissed like this before, he always treated her with restraint, to show her his respect for her conservative upbringing. He unleashed all his longing, all the emotion his young heart carried all these months for her.

As he pulled away from her, his forehead touched hers, his hands warming her cold cheeks.

"I love you so much Dei. We're spending this night together as we planned. In my eyes, you will always be beautiful, I will never see you any other way."

Knowing how she probably hated how she looked, he arranged the shawl on her head and kissed her cheek.

He'd be damned if he let her mom ruin this night for them. He drove out of the church, heading for The Cliffhouse in Tagaytay, vowing to give Dei a night she would never forget.

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