110 days till marriage

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It's been five years since Gui Hai had come back to the apartment on found Bai Yo Lin gone no note nothing indicating that he was going to leave if anything that whole week had been great they went on trip to the beach camped out made love BYL didn't even fight with him if anything if was like they were reaching a new platitude in their relationship one where they were finally comfortable no need to run away and hide or be ashamed of the love they felt for eachother.GH didn't get it but what made it even worse was the face that BYL left chin altogether with his ex-girlfriend Shu Hui which just fueled his rage.

That was now in the past he didn't think about it he didn't drink over it or get into fights that resulted in his arrest that his father would have to go and get him out pay off his victims. The general gave him a choice either get his act together over whatever it was that causing to act like this or get no more support from him. GH decided to get his act together but because of the threat but because his mother got email from BYL saying how well he was doing and happy in America and might not be back for some time he was passing his classes and was happy to be back with shu he was glad that he went oh and tell GH I said hi sorry for leaving suddenly. GH couldn't believe it just oh hi nothing else nothing like I miss you please forgive me come get me I can't stop think about you I was kidnapped send help. BLY was moving on with his life like nothing was ever between them. he still auntie Zhou and bai yin qi you wouldn't let BLY stop that he cared about them too much to cut ties with them.

GH was sucessful businessman now he started his own business in interior design which was always in high demand with all the building going on in china is was easy to keep in business with all his family and friend's connections but most importantly he was going to be marrying one the richest woman in china her  family was old and highly respected. like said everything was great if not for the quiet periods that happened and he would start thinking about BLY holding him kissing him or just the small things like when they would just watching tv or laying in bed talking he never opened up to anyone like he did with BLY he never felt for anyone like he did for BLY, what was worse were the times when he was kissing his fiancée and he imagined BYL but that's it nothing elese was standing in his way of have a fulfilling life without thinking about BYL.

"GH I have arranged for the interviews for the cost cutting team that you have ordered. Are you sure this nessaciry our clients might think were giving them cheaper products."

"not if put if that way, were trying to help the ecomony in china discovering new talents out there that can offer just as good of quality but at cheaper price. you don't know how to market things."

Ming Lin his manager of operations stared down at his shoes ashamed that he even thought to question the great GH he had more plans succeed than fail so he knew what he was doing and how to manipulate in clients perspective because their is a common thing rich people may be expensive but still cheap at the same time that's how the stay rich.

"MIng you decide who to hire I have too many things that I to bother with to make to decide I trust your judgment I am sure you find some one right for the job. just make sure it is done by the end of the week."

"Yes sir and how is your engagement party going."

"going fine my father and step mother are pulling out all the stops I can't believe how many people they inviting and my fiancée is already over whelmed by the gifts we are receiving."

"ah yes sir I am sure is very excited for the whole event."

GH smiled and turn to look out his window ming took that as his signal to leave.

Engagement Part

GH everything was decorated perfectly to the Chinese lanterns hanging outside to the food laid out in a design buffet style of fish dragons tigers any major monuments in china everything looked perfect his step mother, mother in law and finacee did everything perfectly. all the best liquor, a mixologist from America to make new and exciting drink for the guests that would come.

"GH you are here where have you been you know you need to shower and get dress for the party." his fiancée Wendy Wong came up to him like a good wife grabbing his bag and coat handing them to maid to put away as walked around and looked at everything she held his hand as "are you impressed with everything I can't believe how great everything is coming to together it's all so breath taking isn't." wendy looked up at GH nervously she scared none of it would look good to him she never felt she impressed him or that he really looked at her without seeing some else supposed to be there but when talked to anyone they told her no it was all in her head.

GH looked odwn at her with a smile on his face "it's perfect" she sighed a relief as GH hugged her patting her head "don't worry too much with all the taste you have everything was bound to be perfect."

"oh thank you GH now go get dress I want to make sure you look perfect even more so than me."

"that would be impossible you were perfect the moment you were born." GH kissed her on each cheek and than on the lips.

GH got on his tux it was Italian made especially made for this occasion and 5 suits made from all over thr world for the many other ceremony's and wedding's coming up. 

"Sir the guests have arrived it is time for you and bride to come down stairs."

GH gave himself one last look in the mirror everything looked good he headed to the stairs to his bride waiting for him he was happy in his choice she was better than BLY she didn't run from him and when he held her she wanted it he didn't have to force it.

"You look beautiful I can't believe you will be my wife I have to be luckiest man in china."

Wendy blushed as she took his arm and went down the stairs the the did the usual greetings went into the garden introduced as the couple who will be married on 1/21/2017 while both parents gave their approvals of this marriage gave speeches. while all this was going some late guests came in very excited convincing a maid to help them hide a present for the groom. after all this was done applause and music began as everyone started to talk about the party. GH was talking on with his father in law at the entrance still with his bride still by his side.

"sir the guests that wanted me to tell you about have arrived."

"auntie Zhao BHQ I am so happy that you are where is meng tian tong did he not come."

"oh the party is too late for him he has school but don't worry he will be at your wedding celebration along with some one else."


"oh I don't think we should tell him." BHQ played around.

"auntie Zhou please tell me tell him to stop playing around with me. I want to see this surprise!!!"

"come come come we will show you."

They dragged GH into the house to the house GH was smiling the whole time til he came face to face with his surprise GH face went white while auntie Zhou and BHQ were both excited on ether side of him.

"GH it's been too long, congratulations on your marriage."

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