68 Days Later

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Coming into the office the next day for work the secretary started making the tea and getting  GH something for breakfast, a typical normal day until she walks into the Master GH office to see a naked BYL leaned back in his chair moaning uncontrollably and then master GH coming up kissing him hard on the mouth.

"My turn." kissing him aggressively and passionately. BYL pushed him against the desk.

"Yes, sir." 

"OWWW you are such bad employee looks liiiiiik........OH GOD."

"OOHHHH." teacup crashes to the floor.


"I'm sorry sir I came to a a a a I'm sorry sir. I'll clean this up."

"GET OUT!!!" She quickly left feeling flustered.

both looked at each other couldn't believe it was already the next day, the picture of the office gave an idea of how the night was. clothes everywhere a tie hanging from the lamp when looking on the ground you can see buttons from the shirts being ripped off pants on the floor shoes somewhere in the office who knew where. when looking at the two of them it was worse, they had black and blue marks and bite marks from attacking each other. the passion and anger molded into a night of wild sex and fighting.

"we did sleep right?" BYL asked looking at the bite marks on GH every bite showing his anger at being drugged and tied. GH marked him just as bad one bruise, in particular, had him really turned on and that's where he bit BYL on his inner thigh, just looking at it had his mouth water but they were both so tired that they couldn't do anything more. they lost count of how many times they had sex. all they really knew for sure was that they had both slept for three hours then woke up and did it all over again. 

"we need to sleep I can't do anything."

"could have slept if you just answered my question. Who is she?" he growled as he looked at his baby he was already asleep. "Uh, you dare fall asleep when you haven't answered my question."

GH woke up with no BYL there and was pissed thinking he went to go see that woman but GH was one step ahead of him, he had Sanho track his phone while he dressed and went to his car he had Sanho send him BYL location.


GH was shocked when he got there it was a house two stories with wide open windows and a Japanese garden in the back that you could see from the driveway that you can take stairs on too, the house was modern with straight lines with down level that was old fashion it was quite perfect. When he went to the front door he heard laughing one a woman's the other clearly BYL.

GH barged into the house "Who the hell is she?"

"GH, hi I'm Jackie." GH blinked a couple of times at what he was seeing her now has a name Jackie was on a ladder putting up curtains and BYL holding the ladder looking like the perfect couple.

"I win," BYL said look at GH disappointed.

"What did you win? Who is she? Are you leaving me?" Getting upset and angry at the same time.

"Ah GH how can you marry him if you have no confidence in him? I got to say I am disappointed in you I thought you would act better than this, why so suspicious?" before GH could respond she already had her coat and was leaving the house waving goodbye to BYL.

"thank you again, give Simon my best."

"Alright see you when you come back to California."

BYL went to the kitchen while GH stood in the hallway trying to figure out what just happened he knew they saw him but ignoring him like a toddler that was throwing a fit but didn't give him any attention as to not give tantrum momentum.

"Yin Zie what is this place?" he went in the direction that BYL went in. saw pizza on an island what must be the kitchen. BYL was putting tools away on one of the counter not turning around to look at him.

"have some pizza it may be a little cold, the microwave works so you'll be able to use it. I wanted our first meal here to be our bridal breakfast I guess you would call it that I don't know."

GH saw the hurt on BYL face suddenly felt guilty about whatever this was but hearing it all started to become clear.

"I left about 3 pm Jackie called me telling me ether I come and help or she'll leave everything undone. this is my wedding present GH  that's why I had you plan the wedding so I could make this surprise for you most of the phone sex came from here." GH went over to him for a back hug.

"Yin zie I am so sorry, I didn't kn...."

"THAT WAS THE POINT GH!!!" breathing heavy pushing him away"do you trust me at all? you have my phone tracked by the way that was the bet that I won you had would be having my phone tracked. you couldn't just trust that I love you and I wouldn't leave you EVER!!!"

threw the tool he was holding across the room. 

"I fucked up I'm sorry, I should have trusted you."

"why don't you? the fact that I was held hostage for 8 goddamn years with that crazy bitch to protect you I gave up everything because I love you so much. I didn't want to leave you and this was my way of making it up to you. is this what it'll be like anytime I talk to a man or woman or you feel like I am keeping something from you when I'm not. I agree my track record of keeping secrets is against me but I love you."

there was a long period of silence till GH went over to him he wanted to hold him but didn't know if he should or not they were both in the wrong and both in the right at the same time a thing every couple hates to be in but that's how it goes at times. 

"I'm sorry I should have trusted you I don't know what to do, I thought that....I don't know. I can't lose you again that's all that goes through my head and when I think you might be hiding something I want to know cause I don't want you to think that you can leave and not let me fight with you. we need to fight together so we can survive." GH cupped his face "when you have the marriage you have to fight together and love together, please don't do this please don't push me away."

"I'm not ever going too. I just need to know that I did this because I love you." he put his arm around GH, "I'm sorry I know you have the right to be mad at me but if you don't...."

"I do, I do, trust you I thought.....I thought she came back and you were trying to protect me again." tears started to weld up in his eyes. 

"GH if she came back we would be having the wedding in prison cause I would have killed that psychotic bitch....." 

GH held him tighter "no no yin zie you wouldn't be in jail cause I would take you out of the country and we would live on our own private where I can make love you to every day."

they went back to GH's apartment, went to bed holding each other. Both glad that the issue was resolved and could look forward to decorating there home and getting the wedding ready. In 57 more days, they would be together forever.

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