97 Days

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four days went by, GH spilt his time between his office and taking care of BYL they talked caught up GH was afraid to kiss BYL he knew that when he started he wouldn't be able to stop himself BYL was still bruised. for five years GH didn't touch this man in front of him he knew as soon he had just one touch he would want more and that it would be so passionate  that they would be heard all over china. let's just say that a lot of cold showers were going on from BYL parents house and GH apartment by both our boys.

"GH why don't you come with me to Paris?" Wendy asked back at his office while he was working double time to get the changes made at the company that BYL recommended.

"Wendy I can't do it you know I have a lot of work to do."

"I know that you want to get this done before the wedding and with what happened BYL you are stressed out, but I think with what happened you need a couple of days to take a break traveling back and forth."

GH cell phone goes off BYL


"yes let's hope for good news."

"good news?" GH didn't realize he said that out loud.

"ah yes BYL is going for a check up we are hoping everything is ok." Really hoping everything is ok he thought to himself.

"ah that's nice so how about after we can head to the air...." GH slammed the papers he was holding on to the table it shocked wendy GH repeated to himself to breathe he she couldn't understand that he wanted to hold BYL without having to hurt him, to kiss him to make love to him without having worry to about any injuries. as GH was trying to calm down Wendy looked in shock she has seen GH mad before they had fights where they wouldn't talk to each other for days but they would make up and kiss and get back to being in love, but this was different she could feel it something changed and she didn't know what but she knew that he wasn't hers anymore she could tell by his face.

"wendy I am sorry" GH went over to her and hugged her "I'm sorry I am just so stressed out with everything going on. BYL getting hurt and getting this work done just go to Paris so you don't have to worry about anything." Wendy shook head yes told him to give BYL her love and walked out.

GH didn't hear from BYL so he figured it meant the doctor said no. he went to his own home since Wendy left he did nothing but work waiting to hear from BYL he did nothing but work after that was done he just headed home. GH walked in stressed about the day and ready for another cold shower he was so hoping BYL would be ready he had so many wet dreams about it that he couldn't control himself much longer maybe he should stay away from BYL till he gets the okay. all of the suddenly some one attacked from behind GH with his quick reflexes was quick to react and get the person but the guy seemed to expect what the first move was going to be he quickly counterattacked it by going for his waist and pushing him down to the ground they wrestled to ground till finally GH was pinned to the ground.

"you choose the wrong....." he felt a kiss stop him he knew those lips well he kissed back he struggled to the touch him and was getting frustrated.

"I see hai zi misses me does he know I have missed him and even more I have missed these lips this body. what does GH want daddy too uh what does he want me to pleasure first?" BYL groaned in his ear like he was having an orgasim his hot moist breath on GH ear was causing him to go crazy with desire he was back in a haze one that he always had even when BYL leg brushed up against him. than BYL started to suck on his earlope and kiss down his neck taken special care near his adams apple that always got GH in the mood he licked, sucked, and nibbled on it having GH groan deep in his throat he was twitching, started to breathe heavy.

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