101 days til wedding part 2

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GH got very little sleep thinking about everything that happened at the hospital the words that BYL said about how he missed him wanted him back and would accept whatever punishment to get him back.

GH went to BHQ house he got a text from them that they took BYL home he went there it was empty Meng was at school, auntie Zhou was at the restaurant and BHQ at his job. GH walked in the court yard and saw BYL standing at his window smoking it didn't seem like he saw GH walk in, he could tell by the look that he was far off not even there he wondered what he was thinking about did he even remember the hospital. GH wonder in and wondered if he should say anything or just let it go he walked into the house and into BYL old room memories couldn't stop flooding back to him and even more pronounced now that BYL was standing in the room.

"How are you feeling?"

"Sore. What are you doing here?" BYL said rather curt like he was the one that should be mad he should have attitude. GH couldn't stand it anymore he went to BYL pushing him up against the wall.

 "you still have nerve to give me this attitude after what you have done you son of bitch." BYL punched him in the kidney GH groaned in pain as BYL pushed him. 

"yeah I do you made my life a miserable and never once did come ask me why you just kept acting like spoiled brat with your temper tantrum."

He went at him again this time going for his stomach the wrestled each other for awhile both trying to get dominate the other one pushing themselves into the wall desk til finally the back of BYL knees hit the bed with GH they were both breathing heavy GH hands were around his waist he looked down at him with mixed emotions one part of him looked at him in desire he wanted to swallow him make up for five years of not touching him or having him next to him in bed than other part wanted to beat him up have feel every bit of pain he felt as he was looking he suddenly felt BYL hand snake up from behind making its way up to his neck pushing his head down to meet his lips. The kiss was painful they were both fighting for dominance again their tongues  were like two swords going at each other GH would get hold of BYL lower lip and bit in it hard that he drew blood he could taste the metallic on his tongue as he pulled away. BYL face shows he hungered for more he wanted to kiss again he didn't care how many times GH bite him he would just swallow the blood and take whatever GH did as long as he was touching him he fantasizeed about his touch for long time and longed for it he would pleasure himself by picturing GH and now that he was here in the flesh he couldn't keep up the act of indifference he wanted it more he wanted to make this last longer to go further.

GH could see the desire in his eyes he knew it would be easy to take advantage of this situation bring him to the edge and just leave him there that would be the best punishment but he didn't want to do that he already knew that once he started he  would want to finish no matter how much he wanted to stop his will power was weak he could only hold on for so long.

"Why?" BYL was silent and started to feel guilty, "why the hell did you leave me? Did not satisfy you? were you not happy? Did I not keep a good home for you? ANSWER ME!!!!!" GH could feel tears and fire in his heart start full of rage he wanted to punch the perfect face that enticed him. maybe that he should get a knife or fire anything to disfigure his face so that he would never be tempted again would it work would it stop the love. BYL still didn't answer.

"being silent huh think that will save you for every moment you are silent I am thinking of new ways to hurt you not just what I have been doing here where I GH will beat you make you disfigured do whatever I want maybe even fuck you till you bleed." BYL looked at him and took the hand that was on the back of his neck and started to caress GH cheek

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