102 Days til Wedding

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When GH said he would be ruthless he was right from work to his personal life:

he would under mind him at work no matter what he said to the point that he fought against his own project

During  a meeting to go over new carpet sellers:

"so as you can see from the packets in front of you i feel it would be best to stop working with dong carpets they don't offer an extensive collection, but the two i found are perfect one is out side of shanghai but the delivery service is excellent they are what i would call more traditional and the one that is in shanghai is more modern and work's fast so it would be best to go with them."

"why dong carpets is traditional and we should stick to them."

"mr gu this tenth one you have rejected do even want this project to go through or are you just wasting all of our time."

everyone in the meeting was shocked that anyone would dare speak this way to GH, and he wasn't happy ether he got up and his chair slammed into the wall, everyone looked scared but not BYL he looked as always did when GH acted like this  a look of are you done yet and GH hated that look he hated when they were together and even more so when they are not. he went up to BYL and got in his face.

"maybe i wouldn't disagree so much if i didn't feel that i wouldn't be able to trust to leave us on a lurch, i always judge things by who is presenting them."

that stung and BYL couldn't hide it and GH enjoyed seeing the hurt seeing what he couldn't defend what the hidden meaning was.

if that wasn't he found away to chase him out the office by having the offices on ether side of him need to be worked on carpentry but GH just had tarp put up and paid some people to be as loud as possible. that worked for few days but than BYL came back with sound proof headphones when GH saw that and even worse he smiled smiled at him like he had to escalate it.

Next step he had his car stolen people follow BYL around to push him restaurants he would go too never got his food right it was always burnt and if complained he was kicked out he only got decent food when he went home and aunite Zhou would cook for him. but than fate decided to intervene that GH should buy this poor boy a meal instead of paying them to ruin it.

"GH lets go to lunch you promised." wendy pouted at GH as he was about to think of another excuse of why he couldn't go.

"OK lets go before someone catches me than."

"great i know the best place to go and i have a surprise."

when they arrived at the restaurant it was Italian Wendy's favorite her parents were there:

GH "is this the surprise dinner with snobs that can't even come to those dinners because of my family."

"papa and mom i told you i would get him here aren't you pride and now we can get to know each other better."

"better?" GH questioned

"well i wasn't going to have BYL come here without you."

GH looked over and saw BYL he could see nothing but red looking at BYL.

"does this bastard not want to live why he is always in my sites."

"yes were getting to know this fine young man who went to school with you he told us" mr wong said "yes a fine young man i am glad that you know him he is leveled headed and we have been talking about his work he is very interesting and from what he told i have heard about him even offered him a job, GH you are lucky to have him."

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