85 Days Till the Wedding

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GH felt nervous but he knew he had to do this he was going with BYL the down side of course was hurting wendy she such a wonderful girl unfortunalty she got mixed up with a guy that had already met his soul-mate even before she came. GH didn't know how long it had been he just kept looking at the candle playing with his wine glass he didn't notice when wnedy came in.

"GH I am so happy you are here oh come here." she hugged him tight missing so much from the 10 days they had been apart. "oh I can't wait to tell you about paris and what I found I know you will be mad but I want this day to so perfect."

"yeah I am sure it will be. Wendy I want to talk to you."

"GH come on let's eat and I will tell you all about Paris......"

she continued the whole dinner talking about what found and the finally finding the silver ware for the dinner.

"GH I wish you could have been with me. I can't believe you didn't come but BYL was not well ah how terrible am I that I didn't even ask about him how is he?"

"he is very well. we have a lot of time to work and talk we were able to get new suppliers and have given them there first assinments it's gone well....."he got scared he knew how to tell her but didn't want to hurt her, shw looked at him feeling uneasy like she did before she left she didn't know what it was but it was the same feeling 'GH is no longer mine, was he ever.'

she reached and took his hand "wedding day jitters come on GH tell me what is gong on?"

"i want to call off the wedding." she blinked several time unable to process what happened.

"GH this not funny I almost believe you should become an actor that so serious."

"I am serious."

"GH...." tear were now in her eyes.

"wendy the only thing I can say is if certain things didn't happen I would have married you but....I don't know what to say after this I wish thing could have been different but at the same time I am...."he stopped himself from saying this glad he knew those were the wrong words but it was hateful being happy to be with the one you love but have to hurt another in order to get that happiness. "i know you will find a better man than me. one who will not already have someone else in his heart." GH looked up for the first time to see her face she was angry confused and crying all the same time. GH reached over for her hand but she pulled away.

"i I I I have to go."

"wendy please I will drive you home."

"no I need some time alone." she got up walked away like a zombie GH watched her feeling guilty and like a coward for getting up and following her but he knew he would just make it worse and he didn't want to do that.


"GH is that you."

"hmm." GH walked in to his living room seeing BYL sitting on the couch watching TV he smiled to himself and cuddled up to BYL.

"how did it go?"

"i wish I could say she wanted it too."

"GH do you regret it?"

"no I just wish it was easier but I knew it wouldn't be but...."

"i know I hated the thought of her getting hurt too." they held each other thinking about what happened. "you know you could have always kept as side piece." GH punched him in the side as he laughed both of them wrestling each other they stopped as GH looked at his baby still glad hoping nothing would go wrong.

"if I kept you on the side I wouldn't have been able to keep my hands off you, hell even now" taking BYL hand putting it on his little monster. "even just rubbing against you wakes it up if I had too wait days in between seeing you" leaning close to his neck licking "god everything about you his drug." growling into his ear.

"GH stop we have to work tomorrow and can't be late we have important meetings." BYL tried to get up but GH wasn't going to let him go and pinned him down on the couch as he grinded his little monster against yin zi.

"GH come on we have moans...."

"i love that moan make it again." he breathed heavy in his ear nibbling on his ear "if you were a side piece I would never be able to leave you and I would keep coming after you again and again." BYL started to moaning louder unable to hold it in. "knowing I can make you lose it like this and the sound you make would keep me coming back" grinding harder " I would keep you chained in a room that I would only be able to find so that no one else would be able to see you or touch you except me." BYL started to get desperate. "do still want me to leave yin zi? go to bed like good little workers? tell me what you want?"

"pleeeease I can'ttt take it pleeeease." GH didn't need hear anymore after that and started pleasuring his baby.

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