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Maybe the world would just be better off without me. Missy just told me to kill myself so maybe that's what I'll do.

Mom and Dad aren't home and Auggie and Ava are at soccer practice. So, I went into the bathroom and to the medicine cabinet. I grabbed an old bottle of pills that mom hasn't used since Auggie was in the hospital. They're stress relieving meds.

As I went into my room, I was realizing what I was really about to do. I took out a notebook and started writing my notes. One to mom and dad, one to Auggie and one to Farkle, because secretly I still loved him. I always have.

Dear mom and Dad,
                                      I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. Or I guess, did. You wouldn't know, but, I've been bullied for almost two years now. I want you to tell Auggie that I just went away for a nice vacation for a while. He means the world to me and so do you. I just hope you know that I did not do this because of you. And I'll always love you. I want Farkle to do my eulogy at my funeral. And can you put me in that nice blue dress? I've always liked that one. Dad, I want you to know that even though it may not feel like it, I've always listened to what you're teaching, wether it's in the classroom or out. And mom, you were always my inspiration to be my weird and funky self. I love you. And I'll see you in heaven.

Your loving daughter,

Dear Auggie,
                        Your going to read this because your confused and scared and you may not know what's happening. I want you to know that I'm just on a vacation. I don't know how long I'll be gone but I want you to know that I love you. I didn't leave because of you. In fact, you were pretty much the only reason I stayed. I hope you and Ava stay together forever, and that you ace all your math tests. I just wish that I could've been a better big sister to you.


Dear Farkle,
                        If you're reading this, I've succeed at my suicide. I hope you know that it wasn't cause of you. You were my only friend and my boyfriend. If you and Maya and Lucas make up by the time you're reading this, then tell them that I missed them. I want you to help mom and dad take care of Auggie for me. Please? Can you also do my eulogy at my funeral? You always understood me better than the rest. I want you to know that I always loved you. Even when the Maya thing happened. I hope that you understand why I did what I did. And I love you.  


And with that I took a bottle of water and the bottle and swallowed the pills five at a time. I heard a knock at the door but was too sleepy to get it. I lied down on my bed and heard Farkle slam the door behind him. The last thing I remember is seeing Farkle through my open bedroom door before the world went black....

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