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Pearl POV

My name is Pearl Fluerie, and right now I'm in an airplane with a destination to Japan, I still have no idea why did I agreed with my mom to go back to live in Akita after so long...! Just so you know I was living in France with my father, yes he has my custody since their divorce, truth to be told, I don't think he really remembers about my existence, he just remembers me when we go on vacations every summer or when I ask him for money...no wonder why he didn't hesitate to let me go with my mom that easily...Well, at least I'm gonna be able to see her again and my half-little brother...And, yeah...her husband what was his name again...? Oh yeah that...Greg.

If you are wondering, yes my mother's name is Matsubara Rose and she was married with my dad...They had me, but they got divorced because my father is an asshole, I'll (sigh)...tell you about it later...

She stayed in Japan when my dad got my custody, and we went to live to France as you may have guessed.

I'm 17 now and I have to start over, that's what got me the more frustrated of all! Yes, of course I know Japanese, I can write, and read and also speak. Yeah, I speak with my mom almost every day, but I have to go to school with new kids and make a new life style...and new teachers...God, I hate teachers! And I am not gonna be able to escape from class to smoke...Meh, I'll find a place to do it eventually.


Flight assistant- Dear passengers, please stay in your sits while are landing the airplane. Thank you.

Rose- Oh here you are! Welcome!

Pearl- Thank you, it's been a while...

Rose- You grown a lot! You are tall! Have your father feed you well?

Pearl- We've been fine... Don't worry! Hehehe

Pearl POV:

Yup, that's my mom she is deaf and yes, I know Japanese and French sign language. Now this is the thing: My dad couldn't handle their "communication barriers" but the truth is that he cheated on her twice, so she asked him for their divorce, and in the end he payed to the lawyers a sick amount of money so he could have my custody easily without telling my mom, or asking my opinion...Well I was 4, but who cares...! And that's why he's an asshole...

Normal POV:

Greg- Is good to see you, Pearl!

Pearl- It's nice to see you too, Greg...

Steven- Peaaaaarl!

*hugs her*

Pearl- Steven!

*Hugs him back*

Steven- You are taller!

Pearl- (giggling) you are still a shorty one...

Steven- I'll grow up some day...

Pearl- You are adorable like that!

*ruffles his hair*

Rose- What you want to do first?

Pearl- I'd like to go home first, you know so I can set my stuff...

Pearl POV:

About Greg...Yes, he's Steven's father he met my mom and they fell in love, long story short, they got married and had Steven.

He's nice...I just can't see him as a parental figure, it's not that I hate him, it's just that my mom is the only one I see as "a parent" and Greg is just...well, my mother's husband. Don't take me wrong, I respect him; at least he's kind to us and he let me be so we have no problem with each other...

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