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Normal POV:

Pearl-I'm home!

Rose- Stop hanging out on the roofs, it's dangerous!

Pearl- Oh hello there mom. I'm sorry I can't help it...

Rose- Why?!

Pearl- Because of the school's demon...

Rose- Who?

Pearl- Akagawa Jasper...

Rose- She keeps targeting you? Are you sure you don't want me to speak with the director?

Pearl- I have enough troubles...That would cause me even more...

Rose- You sure?

Pearl- Yup!

Rose- Suit yourself...Now, please get in the house...

Pearl got down to the balcony and got her shoes off, then she got in the house.

Pearl- You want me to help you with the dinner?

Rose- No, its fine I'm almost done...

Pearl- I'm gonna get changed then.

Pearl POV:

Just to be clear yes, my mother realized I was getting home through the roofs because one afternoon Steven and his friend Connie saw me when I was getting down, and when mom saw them excited she couldn't help but look in my direction.

I'm not gonna lie, her reaction was hilarious but once I got in the house she started to check if I got injuries...and then she scolded me...I had explain her about Akagawa and even about Lapis, not about my feelings for her of course...

It's been weeks since I became the fencing team's captain and Jasper keeps following me, she gets bored after a while. One day I tried to make conversation while she followed me, I was walking on a roof as you may guess. I must admit that it's funny to mess with her, ah and just if you are wondering I got a new nickname: I'm "the school's white cat" it's pretty cool to me.

I wish I shouldn't have to be escaping to the roofs all the time, it's really dangerous when it rains, and I should start to find out a way to avoid her at the end of the day...I should ask Bismuth about it...


*Her phone buzzed* *messages*

Lapis- Are you at home?

Pearl- Yeah, why?

Lapis- Can I see you?

Pearl- Ye-yeah...

Lapis- There's one more thing...

Pearl- What is it?

Lapis- May I stay at your house...?

Pearl- WHAT?

Lapis- I'll explain you there, please...

Pearl- Yeah sure...

Normal POV:

Pearl explained to her mother what was she talked with Lapis, and after some minutes Rose entered in Pearl's room looking for her:

Rose- Pearl?

Pearl- Yes?

Rose- Someone is looking for you...

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