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*one year later* 

Calum was curled up in the bed he shared with his boyfriend. He had a giant smile on his face as he thought back to the night before where they celebrated their anniversary, sharing kisses and cupcakes while Luke and Ashton teased them. They couldn't really do too much though. They had been on the road for months now on tour going from hotel to hotel or sleeping on the tour bus. Calum preferred the tour buses which was weird because the beds were smaller but when he and Michael shared the smaller bed so much more of them touched and tangled together as they held onto each other to keep from falling. The memories of when they first tried to sleep in the bed on the tour bus for the first time, they were both giggling messes but there was so much fondness between them. Now Calum was left curled up in their hotel room by himself, he didn't mind though because Michael said he was just going to walk to the cafe on the corner to bring back coffee and donuts. Calum smiled because he was able to get the laziest member of the band to get up and go get him coffee and donuts. Calum was so in love with everything, his relationship was absolutely enchanting and the fans were surprisingly so supportive. Calum recalls when they took to twitter six months ago, tired of hiding from everyone about their relationship, and telling everyone that he and Michael were together and in love. He remembers the cute little twitter video messages they did when coming out. He remembers saying that maybe people would think this was all a joke but Michael just chuckled and kissed him. That was how series of video messages ended and within ten minutes #MalumIsReal and #WeSupportMalum were both worldwide trends on Twitter. 

Calum couldn't believe how far they had come in a year, their band was skyrocketing with popularity and they were all doing what they loved, but Calum learned so many lessons. He learned that it's best to be honest with people, he learned to not skirt around how you feel, he learned how to be a good boyfriend and how to act in a relationship since he had never been in one before, but really it wasn't much different from their friendship before. Michael and Calum had always loved each other and that love just changed over time. They are best friends who fell in love along the way and Calum wouldn't have it any other way. 

He was still laying in the bed hugging the pillow, the big white duvet wrapped around him as he heard the door open and some rustling sounds before his now blond haired boyfriend appeared with a tray of drinks in one hand and a paper bag in the other.

"Hi baby, I got you your favourite half hot chocolate, half coffee with a splash of vanilla." Michael greets him as he toes of his shoes before crawling on the bed careful not to spill anything and sit beside Calum. 

"And the donuts?" Calum questioned.

"Vanilla dip with sprinkles." Michael smiles as he looks down at his boyfriend. 

"I love you." 

"I love you more baby." Michael tells him.

"Not possible."

"Oh my goodness are we going to do this every time we say we love each other?" Michael chuckles. 

"It's because you can't accept that I love you more." Calum grins up at him, Michael just shakes his head fondly. 

"You're gonna have to sit up babe." Michael gestures to the coffee in his hand. 

"But my ass is sore." Calum whines. 

"Did I go a little too hard last night?" Michael smirks. 

Calum doesn't do anything but blush before pushing himself into a sitting position and leaning his head on Michael's shoulder as he takes the drink from his boyfriend. 

"Thank you for the drink and donut." Calum says as he kisses under Michael's jaw. 

"Anytime baby." 

They sit in silence for a minute or two sipping on their coffees and eating their donuts. Calum loves these moments with Michael where everything is peaceful and they don't have to do anything except lean on each other. He grabs his phone from the bedside table and scrolls through twitter to see what was going on in the social world. 

Every once in awhile Calum will go on his account that he made for Michael and he'll tweet his boyfriend from the account. One time though he tweeted Michael from that account and Michael replied 'anything for you gorgeous' because he knew it was Calum, however the fans got defensive and told Michael that he needed to pay more attention to Calum. The two shared a good laugh late at night about that one. 

@Calum5SOS: sharing donuts, coffee and cuddles I don't want to leave this bed x 

"We don't have to leave the bed, we have a day off today." Michael tells him as he read off Calum's tweet. 

"So we can just stay here? Just the two of us?" 

"And they all say I'm the laziest in the band." Michael laughs, his eyes crinkling. It was one of Calum's favourite things to witness Michael laughing, he was so beautiful. 

"I just, I don't want this to end, we didn't really get time to ourselves yesterday because we had a show to do. I don't want to share you today." 

"I love when you're clingy." Michael sighs contentedly kissing Calum's forehead. 

"I just really love you." 

"One day Calum I'm going to marry you. I promise you that, and we will have some big extravagant enchanted wedding." 

"I will always say yes." 

@enchantedbymgcx: I am so in love with you, always have been, always will be x 

And for the rest of the day Michael and Calum laid in bed and cuddled sharing sweet kisses and only getting up to answer the door for room service. Calum was so in love and he never wanted to let Michael go. He can't wait for the years to come and what the future will but for now he will remain enchanted by Michael Clifford, finally being able to share just how much he really truly loves the boy, Calum wouldn't want anything else and he's so happy he finally got his happy ending. 


A/N and it's all over! 

Thoughts on the story?

Thoughts on the epilogue? 

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported this story, it was really fun to write and I hope you all enjoyed it. 

If you want more Malum, I have a lot of stories, feel free to check those out

And as always please vote and comment, it means a lot x 

Love you all the way Calum loves Michael xx 

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