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                                                             THE LAST HEIRess



No, this isn't a base to real story; this story is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and incidents are mere products of the author's imagination, inspirations, and research. Any resemblance to places, other stories, and persons, living or dead, is coincidental. Also, there are some grammatical errors in this story, so pardon me, guys. My English is not as good as yours so just bear with me.

       ENJOY READING!!!!


When she woke up, the other side of the bed was cold. She stretched out her fingers seeking for her mother's warmth but finding only a jagged thick mattress covering nobody but a staunch bed made of kawayan. She must have had a nightmare and wanted somebody's comfort, a comfort coming from a demoiselle. Yes, she needed it badly. With the night so young and still seductive, she stood up, opening the ill-looking door of their nipa hut, unveiling the calmness of the midnight clear.

The monochromatic color of the environment and the oozing coldness of the wind struck her. Her face was illuminated by the light coming from the motherly crescent moon surrounded by its countless numbers of children as if like the long-lost relatives of fireflies. She was quite enchanted by it. She crossed her hands to her bared shoulders covering herself from the wind's inviting hug. The memories of her dream filled her thoughts, the same dream that petrified her and made her skin shiver way back seven years after her birth. She sighed in deep solitude and whispered, closing both of her eyes.

"Hello, nightmare my old friend, why come visit this very night again?"

In her dream, she was wearing an oriental garment, its hoop skirt with green osier stitched calliopsis at the façade of her fascinating dress. She was dancing in glee outside the marvelous palace surrounded by billions of enchanting daffodils, when suddenly, the sky was altered with darkness and its surrounding changed, covering the swaying of daffodils with corps whose flesh and blood was devoured by a ferocious beast. She ran as fast as she could afraid of getting caught by the beast following her. She sought help, but to great her disappointment nobody was responding while the beast just laughed while imitating the way she screamed. Tears began to flow from the corners of her eyes down to her pale cheeks. The beast came closer to her stretching both of its hideous hands laughing loudly liked thunder volts. She was panting, her heart beats ten times its normal beat and her swollen legs were aching in pain until she bumped into something hard causing her to stumble down. She lifted her head slowly; her tears ran dry only to find a blurred face of an unknown. In great desperation, she reached the side garment of its haik and used it as a support in her weak- looking body.  She's in pain, she knew it, she's in fear, she admitted it, and she's confused, confused about the figure in front of her. It cupped her cheeks, wiping the solidarity of her tears murmuring alleviating words which sounded as if it felt compassion. When out of nowhere, its hand reached her neck and strangled her like she had been sentenced to death. She wanted to fight, to escape, but her body did the opposite. Her body was very weak, paralyzed, running out of the air that held her between life and death until her eyes shut and everything went black.

The mystery of her dream came to her in a very veiled way, even how much effort she exerted inosculating the connection between the beast and the person in haik, but still, she can't construe even the slightest hint on why they appeared unrelentingly in her supposed to be escaping place. She went back inside dismissing the thoughts. She pulled the old-fashioned jacket, a hood, tuck her auburn hair up into a cap and grabbed a lampad(torch). On their wooden table, beneath a wooden plate, sat a perfect cooked camote wrapped nicely in a banana leaf. She put it in her handmade bag as she slipped outside.

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