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"Mmmmmmm, feels good", Calora smiled as she stretched both of her arms feeling the calmness of the air on the hill. " I wish Nana can experience this".

She remembered their celebration yesterday. Even if it was just simple, but the thought of celebrating her 19th birthday with her mother is more than enough to make her happy. 

"I am lucky to have a mother like her" she smiled. 

The wind blew just enough to make her hair sways. She began to dance with the wind not minding her surrounding. She's enjoying her very moment with no inhibitions.

"Tsss, crazy old hag"

A voice snapped her out of her moment. She turned her back revealing the handsome young man about her age leaning against a tree, and looking at her with amusement.  She was stunned not realizing she's starring long enough at the handsome creature in front of her.

"W-ho are you?", she asked. 

"I think I should be the one asking that question, what yah think ehm?", he replied.

"What? You're the one who came out of nowhere!", she frowned.

"Tss, I own this place so it is my right to know who the hell are you old hag?", he snorted and stepped forward towards her.

"Hahahaha", she laughed. "Do you really think I'll believe in your lies? Come on, This is the kingdom's property not your's for your information mister I-own-this-place".

He smirked. "Owh, so you're saying that I'm lying?"

" Obviously!",she said rolling her eyes."This is the kingdom's property, there I said it again".

"Hahahahahaha", he began laughing. "Ok, ok I give up, j-ust, just get out of here, hahahahaha", he continued laughing not bothering to look at her.

"Why should I? when the one who's asking me to leave is not the owner and will never be the owner of this place? maybe...", she eyed him suspiciously. "Maybe you're a spy in our kingdom, AHA!!!, I knew it you're planning to destroy our kingdom don't you? speak!!!", she exclaimed loudly.

"Huh! paranoid old hag".

"Aishhh, stop calling me old hag will you?", she snorted. Her gaze made its way to a group of soldiers downhill.

An evil smile slowly crept on her lips as an idea popped into her mind. "HEY, THERE'S A SP—".

"Shit what the hell are you doing?", he hissed angrily as he pulled her behind a tree, then covered her mouth.

"Hmmmpttdppmhtf.. let go of me you bastard!!".

He ignored her, instead, peeked behind the tree and saw a group of armored men approaching. His eyes widened when it fell on a young man about a year younger than him.

"Eldred", he couldn't help but curse silently.

Eldred Wilson was the newly crowned prince of Gratin. He was known for his wit and magnificent elemental power after his father. He was one of the most trusted and skilled princes in the country of Madom and was once sent outside the kingdom to find the herb that could possibly counter the virus causing insanity and found himself the creatures living outside Gratin's vicinity that were said to be dangerous and deadly. If Eldred was with them, then it means one thing, there's another important mission to be accomplished. He turned his head towards Calora and whispered.

"Don't you ever think to shout or else".

"Or, else what?",she whispered back.

"I'll kiss you.

Her eyes went wide with the idea. 'Pervert', she thought angrily. She did not reply but instead kept silent all while.

"Your highness I think I heard a shout in this area earlier", the guy in masked said.

"Hmm, are you sure? Eldred smiled. 

"I think so your Highness".

"But there's no one in here?", he shrugged.

"But I am s-ure about what I heard just now your Highness. " The man replied nervously.

" Your Highness, I am sure he is hallucinating again, I beg your pardon but I believe he truly deserves a punishment", the other guy replied kneeling down in front of him. Evilness is evident in his lips.

He smirked evilly. "You think so? well then, he faced the man "Prepare to die, the kingdom doesn't need such weak looking, schizophrenic soldier like you!".

Calora gasped at what she had heard and witnessed while the young man beside her remained steady and calm.

"Ugghhhh...Ahhggggggh!!!",the guy screamed in pain as the huge monstrous creature of fire devoured him. He was turned into ashes which remained his armor and sword on the ground. Eldred smiled at what he had done, he did not know that he was capable of producing such tremendous power in just a split of time.

"Hmmm, interesting", he smiled widely looking at his bare hands with greatness drawn in his face. "My, my, I am stronger than before, am I?",he asked  his gaze made its way to the remaining soldiers at his back.

"Y-es your Highness", they replied in chorus.

 Calora was dumbfounded at what she had witnessed, she can't believe that a prince like him could possibly be evil like the creatures she often heard. She wondered if all royalties were like him, evil and inhumane.

"Let's go, there's still an important mission that we need to accomplish", Eldred said mischievously.

They began walking out of the area when Calora suddenly squeaked.

"Shit", Jarred hissed.

He noticed that the girl was sweating heavily and pointing to something at her feet. He looked down to where she was pointing at and saw a snake crawling near the girl's foot. He could now anticipate what would happen next and before she could scream, Jarred pulled her into his arms and touched her mouth over his.

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