Chapter 4: Midnight Fire

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Sunday was a chilled day.
Emily and Bella spent the day at home with Jeremy and Marley and later in the afternoon Chloe stopped by. Everybody had a lot of fun playing board games together.

On Monday, Emily had to go back to work so she left Bella with Jeremy and Marley.

Isabella had made huge progress when it came to Emily's work. The girl was fine with it now and even though she always told Emily to be careful she never cried about her mother leaving.
So that Monday was no different.

"Be careful mommy" Bella told Emily on the phone after Emily said she was going to Houston on a case.

The girl spent the day walking around the city with her brother and Marley. They had lunch at Outback and then went to a museum.
Around 3:30pm they went to the BAU.
"Follow me" Bella said heading to Penelope's office. Jeremy and Marley said their goodbyes and left Bella there. They went to the hotel and finished packing, then they went to the airport.

At the BAU, Bella had a great afternoon. There weren't so many people there which Bella thought was weird. She wished her mom had time off during the holidays but she knew serial killers didn't wait till the holidays were over. So she understood they had to work.

Around 6:30, Penelope ordered Mexican food and Bella was excited to eat. It had been a while since she had had Mexican. They ate together and then Penelope was back working. Later at night, 10:45, Hotch called and told Garcia to go home because they were heading to the hotel.
Isabella now loved staying at Penelope's house. She always had so much fun and she loved to have "movie nights" with her Aunt.

"What are we watching tonight?" Bella asked as they walked inside.

"You pick" Garcia smiled and the girl ran to the DVDs.

They had a great night and both ended up sleeping on the couch.


The next day, Tuesday, Bella spent the morning at the office with Penelope and she was super excited when Emily returned later that day. They went home, packed for the nyc trip and then snuggled on the couch.

The case involved children and this time it didn't end well. So when Emily got home all she wanted was to hold her baby.
And that's what she did.

Later at night Emily took sleeping Bella to bed and laid next to the girl. The thought of not having the girl next to her scared her. She needed that that night.


The next morning, Bella woke up with a loud noise. It was Emily accidently dropping two bags down the stairs. The girl sat up on the bed and was confused with how she got there.
She looked around the room and suddenly Emily walked in.

"Good morning" Emily said. "Sorry about the noise. The bag slipped"

"Morning" Bella said confused.

"What happened?" Emily asked noticing the girl's confused face.

"How did I get to your bed?" Bella asked.

"I brought you up" Emily smiled and walked to the girl. "I needed you close" Emily smiled and gave Bella a hug. Bella smiled back.

"Let's go eat breakfast?" Emily said.

"Nooooo" Bella said and laid back down.

"Come on! New York waits for you" Emily said smiling and walking to the door. Bella jumped out of bed and grabbed her mother's hand. The day had finally come!

"Good morning" Bella said smiling. Emily smiled back and they walked to the kitchen.
They had breakfast, got ready, picked Chloe up and headed to the airport.

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