Chapter 59: A House Is Not A Home

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"So I guess this is it" Emily told Penelope.
Garcia gave her a sad smile.

"We'll see you guys soon" Penelope said and hugged Bella. "Be good for your mama and I expect you to call and text me every single day. Do you understand?"

"Yes" Bella smiled.

"Pen, we'll probably see you tomorrow. Calm down" Emily said and Penelope and Derek laughed.
But Bella didn't.

She walked to Derek as Emily hugged Penelope.

"Enjoy the playroom" Derek said as they hugged.

Emily let go of Penelope and Bella stayed hugging Derek tight. So they just watched them.

"Let's go?" Emily asked Bella.

But the small girl didn't let go.

Derek made her do so and he saw she had tears streaming down her face.
"Oh princess" he said and scooped her up. "It's okay" he said as she rested her head on his shoulder. He just held her for a while and her crying subsided so he put her down.
"I'll promise I'll stop by tomorrow so we can enjoy that pool with Lulu, okay?" He told her.

Bella nodded as tears kept rolling down her cheeks.

He hugged her again. "I love you" Derek said.

"I love you too" Bella said and Derek let go of the hug.

"Let's go?" Emily asked and Bella nodded yes. The girl turned to look at her mom and hugged her and cried. Emily picked her up.

"She'll be okay" Emily told them. "I'll see you guys soon then"

"See ya" Garcia said.

Emily carried Bella to the car and the girl buckled up. Emily got in the drivers seat and before closing the door she waved goodbye.
Morgan threw one arm over Penelope's shoulders and they waved back.
Emily drove away.

Derek and Penelope failed to keep their tears in as they watched her drive down the road.

"It's just a different house, it's the same us" Penelope said and Derek smiled and hugged her.

"Do you want me to drop you off?" He asked.

"I'd love that" she smiled and they headed to the car.

Derek took Penelope to her apartment and then headed back to his. He felt so weird walking inside that big house that was now very quiet. He walked to Isabella's bedroom and smiled when he saw the girl had replaced one of the pictures on her nightstand. He picked it up and his eyes filled with tears. It was a picture they had taken on the night of Isabella's last Choir show. Everyone was there. The team, Jeremy, Gavin, Chloe, Hilary and even little Millie. And right between Emily and Him was Bella with a huge smile on her face.
He put the picture down and walked out of the room. He knew she would be okay. He knew she was strong and that with all those people around, she would be just fine.


When they got home, Emily and Bella sat in the living room. The girl had stopped crying on their way to the house.

"I already said this but I will say it a million times. You are safe here and it's going to be okay. You are okay." Emily said throwing one arm around the girl.

Bella gave her a small smile and took a deep breath.

"So what do you say... movie and then pizza to celebrate?" Emily asked.

"Sure" Bella smiled reminding herself to allow herself to be happy and feel okay. She was a little scared but as she had heard so many times she couldn't let that stop her. She loved the new house, she loved her mom and she was happy too.

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