Chapter 53: Just Us Two

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Bella woke up that Tuesday morning to find Emily still asleep holding her. She hugged her mom tightly and Emily woke up.

"Good morning" Emily smiled.

"Good morning" Bella said smiling too. Both glad to be together.

"Did you sleep okay?" Emily asked.

"Yup" Bella said. "You?"

"Yup" Emily copied the girl and Bella let out a little laugh.

Suddenly Garcia walked in.
"I heard a cute little laugh coming from here" Penelope said walking to Isabella's side of the bed. Bella smiled and sat up. Penelope wrapped the girl in a hug.
"Good morning my pretty little unicorn" she said and Bella and Emily laughed.

Bella let go of the hug and said "good morning aunt bubbly" Bella said and they smiled.

"Let's have breakfast?" Emily asked.

"Yup" Bella said.

"Alright. Come on then, yupy girl" Emily said and they went to the kitchen.

"Good morning ladies" Derek said when they walked in. Bella walked to him and gave him a hug. "Did you sleep okay, princess?" He asked.

"Yes" Bella said and sat next to Emily.

Suddenly Garcia's phone rang.
"it's Hilary." Penelope smiled. She answered and it was actually Chloe wanting to talk to Bella.
"She's right here. Wait a sec" Penelope said and handed the phone to Bella.

"Hello?" Bella said.

"It's Chlo" Chloe said.

"Oh hi" Bella said and walked out of the kitchen. "What's up?" Bella asked walking to her bedroom.

"Why didn't you go to Ballet yesterday? Miss Kim went nuts because it's almost the last rehearsal" Chloe said.

"Oh my god! I forgot. I seriously forgot" Bella said.

"Did something happen and you just didn't go?" Chloe asked.

"My mom got the keys yesterday." Bella said. "We were at the new house painting my bedroom and I forgot about it. I just forgot"

"That's cool. I can't wait to see how it's like." Chloe said.

"I'll talk to my mom later and I'll see if we can take you there sometime" Bella said.

"Okay" Chloe said smiling excited. "Well, you can't miss the next rehearsal though. Because she's doing corrections and things like that."

"I won't" Bella said.

"Alright. So I'll see you at school"

"See you" Bella said and hung up. She got off her bed and went back to the kitchen.

"So why did she call Garcia's phone instead of yours?" Emily asked.

"I don't-" Bella said.

"And what did she want?" Derek cut her off.

"Calm down people" Bella said and they laughed.
Bella looked at Morgan and he made a face showing he was waiting for the answer.
"Well, yesterday we forgot about dance class." Bella said.

"Oh yeah. Sorry honey but that was the last thing on my mind" Emily said.

"Mine too" Bella said.

"You can't miss anymore, right? Cause the dance is coming up" Penelope said.

"Yeah" Bella said.

"And are you still excited about that?" Emily asked and they talked about dance, then about school being almost over and then about Isabella's friends. Once they finished eating, Emily said she wanted to go to her apartment and start packing.

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