Chapter 29: It's In The Blood

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The next day, Sunday, Bella woke up and her head was hurting. She asked for some medicine and after taking it she ended up sleeping again.

"I think we need to do something to cheer her up" Penelope said.

"Like what?" Derek asked.

"I'm not sure yet" Penelope said.

"We could paint her room" Derek said. "The three of us, together. That would be fun"

"Yeah!" Garcia said. "Can we do it today?" She asked.

"We need to get the paint first. We could try tomorrow" Derek said and Penelope agreed.
So they spent the day at home just hanging out.


In Boston,
JJ had arrived around 10am to find Emily awake fighting with a nurse about pain killers.

"Miss, you need to take this" the nurse said.

"I'm not in pain. I already told you" Emily lied. She was in a bit of pain but she just didn't like feeling heavy and drugged all the time.

"You have to" the nurse said "please"

JJ walked in laughing.

"Wow. I leave for a few days and get back to this. You need to listen to them. You're not a doctor" JJ said.

"Hi" Emily smiled and they hugged.

"Please make her take this" the nurse said placing two pills down and left the room.

"How are you feeling?" JJ asked.

"I'm alright" Emily said. The look on her face exactly like JJ had seen in Isabella.

"Wow. You taught your daughter well" JJ said.

"What?" Emily asked.

"Lying" JJ said making a face.

"Is she doing that?" Emily asked.

"What do you think?" JJ said with a sorry face.

"Well she is a Prentiss after all" Emily said and JJ couldn't help but laugh.

"How is she doing?" Emily asked more serious now.

"It's been tough." JJ said. "She's really down and she doesn't really like going out"

"Are you guys making her go out?" Emily asked.

"We're trying to get her to want to" JJ said.

"She won't go. You have to force her. Tell Morgan he needs to force her because if he doesn't she will shut herself out." Emily said and JJ nodded.

"The judge ordered her to see a psychologist for 5 weeks" JJ said.

"Oh no" Emily said quick.

"Why oh no?" JJ said.

"That won't work at all. It's just... We've tried it before and she doesn't talk. She's just gonna cry the whole time" Emily explained.

"When did you try that? She didn't see one when John died" JJ said.

"When she was at boarding school. They had a psychologist there and since Bella was having a hard time adjusting to everything the principal ordered for her to be seen once a week" Emily said.

"For the entire time she was in that school?" JJ asked surprised.

"Yeah." Emily said.

"And she didn't talk at all?" JJ asked.

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