Chapter 15: Doyle vs

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"After your arrest I relocated Louise and Declan. And then I got a call..." Emily said as Doyle kept aiming her. "Interpol had sent back our profile. The head of the terrorism division wanted more dirt on you so they could break you"

"So you used my son as a promotion" Doyle said.

"No" Emily said. "I wouldn't let him be involved in this. The things they would have done to him to get you to talk..." Emily said. "But I knew that even if I didn't cooperate they were gonna find him eventually. So I had to-"

"Had to what?" Doyle said really angry getting closer to Emily.

"I had to end his suffering... Before it could begin" Emily said and Doyle hit her across the face with his gun.

"You put him in the profile. What else did you do?" Doyle asked pressing Emily against the wall.

"I put him in the profile after the pictures were taken" Emily said.

"You don't know when those pictures were taken. You don't know that" Doyle said.

"Yes I do" Emily said. "I'm the one holding the gun" she said and looked at him straight in the eyes.

Doyle grabbed her and pushed her to another wall. Then he threw her to the ground. Emily moaned in pain.

In the other room, Isabella just cried as she heard her mother. The girl was terrified.

"You wanna hear his last words to me?" Emily asked and Doyle kicked her in the stomach.

"He said" she started but stopped because of the pain. "He said: I looked pretty good for a dead kid, didn't I? And then he got on the plane and I never saw him again"

"He's alive?" Doyle asked extremely angry now and kicked Emily in the stomach again.

"Just because I held a gun to him... doesn't mean I shot him" Emily said fighting through the pain. "I only had to make you and the North Koreans believe he was dead"

Doyle went down and basically lifted Emily up himself and pushed her into the wall.
"No, you're lying." He said and they started fighting.

Emily kicked him and his gun fell on the floor.
Emily wrapped her arms around his neck. "I beat you Ian. Before you even got out of North Korea. I beat you. Because I gave Declan his life back" she said.

"I'll find him" Doyle said as Emily chocked him.

"No you won't. Ever since you told me my people had Fahey I've been stalling you" Emily said.

Suddenly the power went off and Emily looked up surprised. With that she gave Ian an opportunity.
He pushed them into a table.
She got up, grabbed a wooden leg that had broken off and started hitting him.
She hit him three times and the piece of wood fell on the ground.
Doyle grabbed it and before she could do anything, he pushed it into her stomach.

Emily moaned in pain.

"Where is he? Where's Declan, Emily? Tell" Doyle asked and Emily fell on the ground. "Tell me" he said sitting up and staring at her. "Where is he? Emily, tell me where he is"

"No" Emily said almost a whisper.


In the other room when the lights went out Isabella let out a scream, hugged her legs tightly and went as far into the wall as she could.

"Quiet" Liam told her and the girl obeyed.

After a little while he heard a noise.
"If you move you know what happens" he told the girl and went to the door.

Suddenly he was shot multiple times.

Isabella covered her ears as she heard the noise. She couldn't control it and peed her pants because of the fear.

Suddenly three SWAT agents walked in pointing the guns at her. She closed her eyes and kept her hands on her ears.

"It's alright Isabella. Come with us" one of the men said.
The girl stayed in the corner and kept shaking her head no.
One of the SWAT agents saw she was chained so he went down to unchain her. He did that and the girl kept pulling away from them. Not wanting them to touch her.

Suddenly Hotch walked in.
"Bella?" He said. The girl looked up quickly but didn't take her hands off her ears. "Bella it's me Aaron. Come on. It's okay. We got you" he said kneeing down close to her.
The girl just stared at him.
He touched her hand and she jumped and hugged him.
"It's okay. We've got you" Hotch told the child, who was clearly in shock.

Suddenly Bella let go and said in a whisper "where's my mom?"

Hotch looked in her eyes and said "they are looking for her. Let's get you out of here." He said and they stood up. Hotch went to pick her up and she cried.
"I'll walk" she whispered still shaking. It was hurting too much.
Bella took Aaron's hand and they slowly started to walk out.


"Where is he? Emily tell me where he is"

"No" Emily said almost a whisper.

Doyle heard the agents shooting Liam so he left Emily there and ran away.

Suddenly Derek walked in with four SWAT agents.
"I got her" Derek said going to the floor next to where Emily was laying. "I need a medic." Morgan yelled.

Isabella, who was a few feet away from the room, heard.
The girl just took off.
Hotch tried grabbing her but he failed.
She walked in and her heart seemed to have stopped when she saw her mother laying on the ground with a piece of wood in her tummy.

"Mom?" Bella said as she saw.

Suddenly Hotch got there. "You need to come with me" he told the girl and grabbed her hand.

"No. Mommy" Bella said and took a step closer but Hotch stopped her. "We need to go" he said. He didn't want the child to see her mother like that.

"No!" Bella yelled and tried walking to Emily but Hotch held her. She started fighting to be let go and he picked her up. "No! Mom! I want my mommy! Let me go!" The girl cried and kicked as Aaron took her outside to an ambulance.

Inside, Derek stayed with Emily.
"Prentiss" he said. "It's me I'm right here. She's okay. Your baby is okay" he said. "And you're gonna be alright. Stay with me. Come on, stay with me"

Emily opened her eyes.
"It's okay" Emily told him.

"HELP ME" Derek yelled.

"Listen to me, I know why you did all of this. I know what you did for Declan. And I'm so proud of you. Do you understand that? I am proud of you because you are my friend. You are my partner" he said and Emily started to lose conscious.

"No Emily! Come on. Stay with me. Please you have a baby waiting. Please" he said and she just blinked. "If you can hear me just squeeze my hand" he said and she did that.

"Yes! There you go baby. Just keep squeezing." He said and the medics got there.
They started to poke and prod her and Derek stayed by her side all the way out.

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