Chapter 11 - ?????

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This chapter has not yet been edited and finalized.

Do I have a name?

I know I did once. I can nearly remember it. I can see writing on cards addressed to me. I can see tags on gifts during the Feast of the First Snow. But the labels are smudged and I cannot read them. I can hear it, hear Mother calling for me, hear my sweet baby brother blaming the products of his antics on me, but the syllables are jumbled and unable to register. I know that the Feast will soon occur, because storm-clouds have been gathering to the north, and are coming on winter winds. As soon as it's safe for the people to celebrate, they will, and extravagantly.

I flip through my book and their names come to mind, and I love them fiercely despite their estrangement from me. Mother, father, brother, puppy. Do they remember me? Do they remember the sister they lost? The daughter?

Of course they remember. Time has passed, seasons of ice and seasons of new growth, yet how could they not? When I left I knew there would be repercussions, and I knew the whole kingdom would search. My name slips my mind, but the images will stay for the rest of my life. Boots stomping through pine needles, shifting through the undergrowth, not touching the brambles underneath where I hid for the fear of being stabbed by thorns. Hearing the heartrending screams as the beasts of the night converged on the rescue party, and the terrible relief it brought, because the rescue would only bring on an onslaught of fear and a life of imprisonment.

Not trapped inside dungeon walls, however.

Trapped in my kingdom, trapped in my home.

Trapped inside my own head.



Oh, I love drama! Not in real life, though. Only in books. Because real life drama is not fun, and I could tell you a story or two.

Or, you know, eighteen. All from the same person. But no matter! This has got to be in my Top Three Favorite Chapters (I mean, there are only 12 to choose from including the prologue, but it's in the best quarter, so be quiet.) 

Who's your favorite character? So far, I've honestly got to go with this one EVEN THOUGH YOU DON'T KNOW WHO IT IS but I do!! Hahahaha. Evil laugh evil giggle. 

I love you all! It's Snowfall, and peace out!

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